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“We should think of the threat as a virus.” Donald Trump Wrote This In His Book THE AMERICA WE DESERVE (2000) Under The Chapter Title “Miniwar”

Pages 160-164 of ebook edition:
“That was then. Now we face a threat never before encountered, one that can strike without warning and devastate our civilian population. In our age of miniaturization, weapons have shrunk—and the threat against us is suddenly very large. When a nuclear device can fit in a suitcase, and a canister of anthrax can devastate New York, Boston, Los Angeles, or any other American city, the equation has changed radically. While I was writing this book, a guy carried a vial of super-deadly anthrax poison into a congressional hearing room, just to make the same point that my uncle John Trump had made many years earlier. Uncle John, an MIT professor, didn’t think a foreign power was going to send a bomber over the city and drop a conventional weapon. He knew, decades ago, that miniaturization was coming. He talked about a lone fanatic detonating a weapon at Penn Station that would level the whole town.
A biological attack would not take out buildings, but might kill thousands. The city would come to a halt as medical technicians tried to find space for the sick while realizing that most would die anyway. There would have to be new systems devised for the distribution of food, the restoration of businesses, the disposal of the bodies of the dead.
We’re in a new ball game, though you’d never know it from the political and media happy chatter. You may not win a standing ovation by pointing out that there are malevolent people lurking in the shadows with biobombs. That would be the responsible thing to do, and it would be nice to think our politicians would be as serious about preparing us for possible disaster as they are about celebrating the stock market’s rise. Their chief job, all too often, is to get reelected. They don’t want to be the bearers of bad news. For that matter, we rarely hear many ratings-hungry news analysts talking about a subject that is, without a doubt, probably the most frightening of all national scenarios.
Yet it’s time to get down to the hard business of preparing for what I believe is the real possibility that somewhere, sometime, a weapon of mass destruction will be carried into a major American city and detonated. To his credit, Ted Koppel in a Nightline series devoted to terrorism said, “Most experts within both the civilian and military branches of the federal government are now convinced that it is no longer a question of whether there will be a biological attack against an American city. It is now merely a question of when.”
My hope is that if enough of us start talking about this danger, our elected leaders will address it. The longer they avoid this issue, the more vulnerable they make us. We need to enlighten them now.
I’ve come to two bedrock conclusions about this threat.
First: We need to prepare ourselves not only for the possibility of attack, but also for blackmail. There may be times ahead when Americans are given the choice of either holding on to our way of life—our American Dream—or giving in to a nuclear or biological threat. There may come a time when we are given the choice between keeping our alliances or suffering an attack. For example, Arab extremists may offer this bargain: Cut your ties with Israel or we will strike a major American city. Such a situation will test us to the depths of our souls.
Second: Though it’s shocking and difficult to accept, we need to recognize that even if we mobilize we may not be able to stop every attack.
As always, the first line of defense is to try to understand the nature of the threat, then consider how the current leadership is reacting, and finally decide what kind of improvements we need to make. I’ve got to say from the outset that I have very little confidence in the way our current leadership is playing our hand. I’ve seen people like our leaders take similar long odds at the casinos. They always leave the tables broke.
We know that there are many nations that would like to go down in history for having sent Manhattan, Washington, Los Angeles, or Miami to its knees. We’ve seen plenty of suicide bombers blowing up buses in Israel; barracks and embassies around the Middle East, Europe, and Africa; and even buildings here in the United States. We’ve seen cultists release poison gas in the Tokyo subway. Whatever their motivesfanaticism, revengesuffice it to say that plenty of people would stand in line for a crack at a suicide mission within America.
In fact the number of potential attackers grows every day. Our various military adventures—some of which are justified, some not—create new legions of people who would like to avenge the deaths of family members or fellow citizens. It is one cost of peacekeeping we should keep in mind.
I am not a hard-core isolationist. While I agree that we stick our noses into too many problems not of our making and that we can’t do much about, I strongly disagree with the idea that we can pull up the drawbridge to hide from rogue nations or individual fanatics.
We may overlook the danger created by rogue states because so many of them are small and poor. The combined economy of North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and Cuba is around $174 billion, as compared with our $7.6 trillion. The military expenditure for these countries combined is about 5 percent of what we put out for defense.
But people who make this argument are thinking in the past. They’re expecting military threats like battleships, standing armies, strategic bombers, and tank columns. They see war as something they can track with a satellite or through binoculars—as if some hostile navy is going to sail into New York harbor and open fire. The poverty and fanaticism of rogue states naturally propels them toward exactly the kind of warfare we’re not prepared for.
Here’s another thing to keep in mind: Why would a country use a missile against us when it could more easily, cheaply, and safely infiltrate a biobomb squad. In a conventional attack we would have a pretty good idea where a missile is launched from and could retaliate appropriately. Not so with a human delivery system. Our adversaries may be fanatical, but they’re not out to destroy their own countries.
Not appreciating the new, real military dangers is like not knowing about the Internet.
We should think of the threat not in terms of shells, bullets, and missiles, but as something that is almost invisible and that can penetrate any conventional defenses and borders without detection, then do its dirty work. We should think of the threat as a virus.
There is no doubt that rogue states like Libya and Iraq have more than enough resources to develop miniaturized weapons of mass destruction, especially in the post-cold war environment, where former Soviet weapons experts are always looking for jobs and don’t care who signs the paycheck. But it doesn’t take a nation to develop weapons of mass destruction. As defense expert James H. Anderson reminds us in a Heritage Foundation report, the Japanese cult responsible for the 1995 terrorist attack with sarin gas on the Tokyo subway was a very small group, Aum Shinrikyo.
The key element was dedication. The cult not only bought a 48,000-acre spread in Australia to test their weapons on livestock, but also sent members to Africa to get samples of Ebola virus. The cultists also built two research centers. These same people, by the way, were planning on hitting the U.S.
Now, if a small group of cultists can strike one of the more sophisticated cities in the world, why would anyone believe that a government with more resources—Iran, Iraq, North Korea, and such—couldn’t do immensely more damage to us? In fact, why believe that a cult similar to Aum Shinrikyo couldn’t do the same thing to the New York system?”
submitted by GingerRoot96 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

[LET'S BUILD] D100 Modern(ish)/Superhero Cities

Unlike my previous post, this post will be for original cities rather than renamed ones. These can be more fantastical than the real world, too, operated on superhero comic rules. Some people are born with superpowers. Magic and supernatural creatures are real, albeit kept secret from the mundane world. Aliens occasionally invade, advanced technology can be found in many mad scientist labs, but the world as a whole is still recognizable as our own.
  1. Platinum City - A sparkling American east coast city, it's skyline covered in glass skyscrapers with monorails arcing between important buildings, this is one of the most technologically advanced cities in the world. It was always home to the prestigious Argent University of Science, but the city truly grew after a normally horrible accident. Research into the metahuman gene in the late 70s went wrong and polluted the soil and water in the area. Nearly 1 in 4 people born in the city are born with the metahuman gene. People flocked here hoping to give their future generations a better life. By the 90s, many tweens began manifesting powers and the city practically became a warzone. It was here that the concept of superheroes and supervillains became widespread. Those who didn't go mad with power found themselves using their powers to improve the city in the 2000s, leading it to the grand state it's in now.
  2. St. Vladimir - This Minnesotan city and the surrounding suburbs are more important to the world than most realize. While the mundane world knows of the powerful Russian mafia which seems to control the area, few know that these mafiosos are monster hunters. The city is silently in a feud between the hunters, vampires, and the black magic practitioners who flock to the city. Wendigos and ghouls lurk through the alleyways while vampires control many large businesses. The only reason the monsters remain is because of the structure that has formed, allowing most to obtain the necessary blood, flesh, and (in the warlocks' case) ritual components required for them to stave off death/starvation/their demonic masters.
  3. The Burg - a floating city composed of powerless folks trying to get away from the metahumans, the people there call it the last bastion of humanity if the "superfreaks" ever decide to destroy everything. This city floats around near the Arctic circle and is mostly a lashed together boat city. (u/seriousd6)
  4. Hana - well hidden desert city where the residents (powered and not) all live in harmony under a caring leader who is committed to stop the research into metahuman genetics, and believes that researchers in this field are performing harmful experiments on the people to further their ends. (u/seriousd6)
  5. The Cap - an extremely mechanical city (think steampunk) where a niche metahuman group has decided to band together, this has become a haven for all those with heat-related powers. The price for living is to help run the boilers that power the city, the reward is community and safety in numbers. (Bonus points if it is on or near a volcano) (u/seriousd6)
  6. Willowville- A small USA southern town. In the 1930s a small meteorite crashed and it’s strange ore contaminated the land and water. Generations later children are being born with powers, but the town leaders are doing al they can to keep it secret. (u/ravi95035)
  7. Peninsula City - west coast USA city founded by three supers in the late 1800s that now serves as a sanctuary city for supers. (u/ravi95035)
  8. Nairos - Northern African city protected by the Warriors of Clay (sentient clay golems), a safe haven for supers in that global area. (u/ravi95035)
  9. Salem's Burrow, Kansas- An unassuming farm town in the middle of no where. Most of the roads are dirt with a spartan few asphalt roads. Corn fields as far as the eye can see with an occasional old house or a different crop breaking the rows for a moment before more corn fields. In reality, it hides a troll market with tunnels from every basement and farm house (basically a market that sells everything from legitimate merchandise to slaves to counterfeit goods to black magic rituals schematics). All the farmers are the same entity that can manifest in various forms perfectly who been serving fey folks, supers, humans, and freaks as a cover for the eyes of various "unaligned" and hostile groups though only the most ancient beings know this secret. (u/Th3R3493r)
  10. The Okínihaŋ Reservation: It is a series of reservation Native American Reservation in South and North Dakota. Before the Government and pioneers came, the tribes stretched over the Great Plains. Now on the surface, it is the remnants of various tribes who run an empire of casinos and try to keep their traditions alive. Due to their legal system being different and the state of world, they operate a covert mercenary corps comprised of various "monsters" as most would call them from Lechuza (owl-women who specialized in nighttime recon and target extractions), Skin walkers (various roles from combat to subterfuge), Teihiihan and Nimerigar (supposedly dead formerly cannibalistic races of dwarf-like operators who are now engineering and forensic experts), Kushtaka (otter-men who aid forces in stealth maritime offensives), and various others including a few "Gods from the Time the Earth was new". They cover it up with actors and legitimate conspiracy theorist on the fringes constantly given every direction but the right ones. (u/Th3R3493r)
  11. !!! (pronounced by throwing your hands up and stomping loudly) or Paralite- It is an alien city nowadays. Not like tourist-trap towns, the aliens are there. !!! was secretly founded in 1956 by ⏃⌰⟊⍜⊑⋏ ⋔⏃⋏⌇⍜⋏ (in English, Al'John Manson) a "supposedly" exiled prince of scavenger civilization who brought a ⟟⌇☌⏃⌰⏃⋏⏁⟟⏃⋏ (Isgalantian) warship to the back yard of a doomsday prepper by the name of Jonathon Manson who became his advisor after this superpower of universal translation was found out accident as he cussed the alien warship out in fluent ☊⍜⋔⋔⍜⋏ (Common). After the CIA was tasked to "peacefully" resolve the problem and ⏃⌰⟊⍜⊑⋏ ⋔⏃⋏⌇⍜⋏ made a agreement to help forward technology to bested the Reds (who obtained scraped and damaged tech from the Tunguska event of 1908 and "The Night of Green Lights"), the town became a headquarter for the Black Suits (MiB like organzation) and a safe haven. With the first Cold War ending when the re-release of Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin by an unknown cosmic entity, the town was silently reclassified and became another Silicon Valley under the name Paralite and a embassy for friendly extraterrestrial alien lifeforms. (u/Th3R3493r)
  12. The Arks - it is a secret system of floating city much like the Burg, but, more selective of their population. Supers, Aliens, Freaks, Cryptids and Normals are equally accepted and screened with any possible damning flaws or factors will be grounds of denial or termination if they are compromised after entry. The Arks are attempts as an ultramodern semi-utopia and a backup plan if the sea rising causes the civilization to have go to sea permanently. While organized crime syndicates still attempt to get a foot hold on them, all attempts have been unsuccessful and unprofitable for now. But, as long the Arks are on the horizon and shanty town of boats trail behind them waiting for the day they can take an Ark for their side and to use as a forwarding base for operations. (u/Th3R3493r)
  13. Big Mountain, Nevada (Big Empty or Big MT) - formerly a government ran town that held the "best and brightest that the world had to offer". Long story short, "best and brightest" did not account for morals. So, with blank checks without a concern for ethics, morality, and human rights, It became a refugee full of mad scientist, mutants, mutates, and cyborgs. The current overseer has the town look and play like a sitcom 1950's suburbia minus most of the prejudices with the motto "Est Normalis Nova Impar (The Odd New Normal)". The Government officials supposed to run it were blacklisted for "being communist sympathizers" for various unsupported reasons in McCarthy's Witch Hunts. The town is still running on the funds from selling man-made precious metals and stone while in the guise of an unprofitable dying mining town on IRS records. (u/Th3R3493r)
  14. Carne Quemada, Texas - A small unassuming city founded near several important intersections after the rise of the railroad in America. If there was a head of livestock bound for the East Coast from West Coast, It went through Carney before heading further. On the surface, It is just another drive-by town with the headquarter of a small family ran butcher shop/BBQ joint, but, it is ran by puppet officials controlled a old money family, Navaneeth, that specializes in the Arcane Arts and Dark Arts. The family patriarch is reportedly over 2800 years old but still looks to be in his late 50 and in the body of an Olympian. This family has their hands in the rise and fall of nearly every major meat based company since the apex of Rome. 'Word to the Wise' is do NOT try to spread vegan or animal rights propaganda in the town unless you want to "go missing" and end up as the unquestioning "circuitry" of the eco-friendly automation in a far off slaughterhouse. (u/Th3R3493r)
  15. Capitol City, Ambiguous America - A large, metropolitan city with an Important American Landmark (capitol, museum, etc.). The city magically shifts forms and locations from time to time, leaving the inhabitants with no memory of it. No matter the form or location of the city it always represents an important part of American society. Capitol City exists within its own bubble, where people forget that leaving is an option. Whenever an alien, supervillain, kaiju, or magic-user attacks, chances are, it'll be here. The city has its own stock of good magic-users, superheroes, and military units, but these seem to shift in and out of being depending on the "genre" of the current disaster. In reality, Capitol City was created by a guild of powerful sorcerers who decided there should be somewhere on Earth to absorb disasters. It acts as a magnet for bad things and changes depending on what is needed to protect the rest of the world. (u/relinquisher42)
submitted by SheogorathGaming to d100 [link] [comments]

Valland & Ravengard seek Daring Citizens for the Adventure of a Lifetime

Well, I might be selling Citizenship in Valland a bit hard above, but let me explain.
The Intro
Valland/Ravengard are simulationist Micronations that happen to be hosted within an Online Game. This Online game has land that can be colonized and developed, so that cities and farms can come into being. The game has a vast and expansive crafting economy (with crafting recipes being kept somewhat secret), so that anything can be made. You can do anything from raise cattle, to be a chef, to a hunter, to a shipwright, to an explorer, to a warrior. On top of that, and while its certainly not the biggest draw, the game devs allow you to sell goods/services in the game for cash (and there is a small/developing secondary market for this).
Well, it is within these confines that Valland/Ravengard exist. I can't tell you too much right now, but I've recently come into some information. Information about a valuable on one of the game's servers. The problem? A continent worth of pirates and dedicated player-killers stand between us and this prize. The Solution? The development of Valland, eventual special operations to confirm the info I've been given, and an eventual expedition/invasion the likes of which has not been seen. Its a pretty large long term goal.
I can't do this on my own. I've played for years, and taken part in at least one large PVP server; so I know what to expect. However, this is your chance to join a fun and interesting community, and stake an early investment in what will soon be a bustling economy.
Interested? Read on.
Recruitment Needs
The nations of Valland and Ravengard are two different entities, and they each serve two different purposes. Valland will be a feudal kingdom meant to populate and develop a Kingdom, and eventually train an army if things fall into place. Ravengard will be a Constitutional Monarchy with a National Council dedicated to trade, commerce, and to some extent exploration/information. Naturally, I will be the Monarch of both, though my powers will be limited in regards to Ravengard. Naturally, if it comes to military matters, Valland will field a larger force for PVP, while Ravengard will work in intelligence-gathering/special roles/support.
Valland Right now, I am concentrating on building up Valland first. As such, we have quite a few generous packages to new persons joining. Given this is a feudal system, there are three broad groups you can join. There are different ranks within some (ie the peerage); and I'll be happy to talk with each applicant individually about the specifics.
The Peerage For the Nobility of Valland, our primary requirement is that you be able to bring your own vassals. In rare circumstances I might be able to give you vassals, but that will depend on an individual case. If you are accepted into the Nobility, you will be given a suitable site of land, some resources/goods (on loan), and at least two head of cattle, two sheep, and two horse. I reserve the right to provide livestock as stock allows, as numbers do deplete. In addition to repaying loaned material, you will pay an in-kind tax on some goods (particularly cattle/livestock), and will have some minimum service requirements. You will be expected to found a community and keep it. This level
Huscarls We also accept Knights. Knights will be given their own fief, which may or may not be on protected land (thus one requires more upkeep). You will be given a simple loan of material for the construction of your estate. You will be given a single horse (and are expected to breed it or replace it). You will likely owe very little in-kind taxes, but instead, will owe service to the Crown in both peace and war (training/law enforcement in peace; and of course combat duty in war).
Drengr Want to be a regular citizen? We will work to give laypeople land in protected areas. This requires no investment, just a willingness to come and play. We are also going to have a program for regular citizens to earn their way to a small estate on protected lands. Of course, the common folk do owe taxes and can be levied, so be prepared.
Specific Roles Needed Valland needs the following specific roles to be filled. If you read one and find it interesting, send me a PM and I'll give you more details. -Master of the Horse: I may have one or two (maybe a Master of the Northern Herd and Master of the Southern Herd). You will receive lands and incomes (In Valland Crowns), and given some breeding pairs. Your purpose is to make sure the nation doesn't lack for horses.
-The Rangers of Valland: Valland's first military unit. These troops will train as huntsmen and fighters in our home area. Rangers will have small houses built in protected areas, but should largely expect to be mobile, travelling our lands on hunts. They will also serve as law enforcement and dispute resolution. This position requires training, and will be a direct report to the King (Me :) ).
Ravengard As stated, Ravengard is a trade nation. It will exist on Discord at first. I've got to build an island for the City (im imagining a Thalassocratic City-State like Venice or the Hanse; but with a King as the symbolic figurehead). THe first organization for Ravengard will probably be a guild of builders to help me terraform...and then interested parties to help me draft a constitution. If you have neither the temperment nor time for PVP, Ravengard might be your best bet, and they will share in some of the future spoils.
Other Benefits
There are quite a few. We will probably play other games. I've got some economic programs in mind outside of the game that could help generate some activity and Wealth. We have a bitcoin casino on our Discord. This is not an exhaustive list of other benefits.
Well, here is hoping this wall of text didn't scare you off.
Want to join?
Fill Out: Sign Up Link
submitted by KingRekkir to micronations [link] [comments]

Georgia Tombstones (Part 1)

Georgia Tombstones (Part 1)
by Jayge 8^J
“The Earth has a cancer and the cancer is Man.” -- Club of Rome
“If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.” -- Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
“Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world, because the US economy will require large and increasing amounts of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.” “World population needs to be decreased by 50%.” “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” and “The elderly are useless eaters.” -- Henry Kissinger
“A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” -- Ted Turner
“In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day. It is a horrible thing to say, but it’s just as bad not to say it.” -- Jacques Cousteau
“Global Sustainability requires the deliberate quest of poverty, reduced resource consumption and set levels of mortality control.” -- Maurice King
“Society has no business to permit degenerates to reproduce their kind.” Theodore Roosevelt
“The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary.” -- Eco 92 Earth Charter
“There are many ways to make the death rate increase.” -- Robert McNamara
"Actually, the problem in the world is that there are too many rich people." -- Paul R. Ehrlich
"Move!" barked an IDF sow, jamming the snout of her Uzi into the backs of 2 Arab women, who winced innocently while I seethed, as if a few inches might make the line any shorter or faster. The bitch then turned to me, pawing at my papers to read my nephew-designed t-shirt. "Why don't you mind your own business?" I asked rhetorically, not interested in a reply, but she scanned me via RFID & oinked incoherently, as if that excused her obnoxious behavior. Friday August 9th 2019 began oddly enough with police banning cell phones, cameras, & reporters for midday prayers at the Islamic Dome of the Rock shrine atop 'Temple Mount', Al Aqsa Compound, & Haram esh-Sharif in East Jerusalem.
In his best Nazi goosestep imitation, 'the Donald' duckwalked to the James S. Brady Press Briefing Room podium in the White House West Wing at 9 am sharp & quacked, "I'm declaring martial law today to protect American liberty, in the wake of widespread chaos by disloyal Democrats, lying liberal media, & antifa anarchy. I'll sign executive orders to hold the DNC accountable, fine them billions, & add 4 more justices of my choosing to the Supreme Court. Sad that DC Mall cameras were too weak to record 6 million angels at my brilliant YUGE inauguration!" A sparse set of sycophant supporter reporters from Fox News, right wing radio, & other Murdock media, chanted in unison, "USA! Lock 'em up! Hail, Zion!"
Earlier, Trump's lard-ass Dick 'Tater' Cheney clone 'Bibi Face' Netanyahu had been terrorizing Palestinians nonstop by bulldozing homes, strafing with white phosphorus, & sniping at random with lethal ammunition, in prep for Tisha B'av, while moaning about temple destruction, & whining that Israel needed more tribute money. Meanwhile, his demolition team secretly wired Bir al-Arwah, Well of Souls, & the Guf inside the Foundation Stone to detonate a mosque full of Muslims at Friday prayers, blaming it on ISIS, which the media monopoly echoed. With the contentious site cleared of precious Islamic treasures & a prophesied rare red heifer ready, Israel proceeded with plans to build its 3rd temple. Most Ashkenazi Jews & pseudo-Christian Zionists were euphoric. Ready or not, they'd force their saviors to appear.
A cursory look at recent U.S. presidents (32-45) reveals some trivial tidbits: 1st 4-term president, who survived a fascist coup, 1st A-bomber president, who formed the CIA, Majestic 12, & NSA, yet felt more honored as top MO Mason, 1st ETO commander president, 1st president murdered by a huge conspiracy, including 3 future presidents in town that day, 2nd Johnson to succeed a slain president, 1st president to urge by letter another future president to run, after sitting with yet a 3rd at Bohemian Grove, 1st president unelected nor VP, 1st Trilateral Commission president, 1st actor president, 2 sinister secretive Bonesmen, 1st fake 'Black' president, 1st mixed-race former Muslim president, & 1st blatantly racist, misogynous, bankrupt, 'Jewish' mafia casino thug president, who lost by 3 million counted votes plus millions more disenfranchised votes.
Genocide by elites, likely Zionists who insist on a 6 million Jew holocaust, is etched in silent granite testimony 9 miles north of Elberton GA at 34°13′55″N 82°53′40″W since 3/22/1980. The Georgia Guidestones call for a 95+% reduction in human population, which is estimated to reach 7,777,777,777 in late 2019. For any who say the slabs are innocent assumption of a devastating 'accidental' nuclear war, global elite billionaire megalomaniacs waging that war from their insular bunkers are still to blame. Far more likely though, is a 95+% culling of humanity via means less destructive to property, like bioweaponry, neutron bombs, directed energy, sonic weapons, & Aussie vaporizers.
"The Georgia Guidestones are a granite monument erected in 1980 in Elbert County, Georgia, in the United States. A set of 10 guidelines is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts...A message consisting of a set of ten guidelines or principles is engraved on the Georgia Guidestones in eight different languages, one language on each face of the four large upright stones. Moving clockwise around the structure from due north, these languages are: English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity. Unite humanity with a living new language. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court. Avoid petty laws and useless officials. Balance personal rights with social duties. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite. Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature...Let these be guidestones to an Age of Reason" -- Wikipedia
"Biological warfare and chemical warfare overlap to an extent, as the use of toxins produced by some living organisms is considered under the provisions of both the Biological Weapons Convention and the Chemical Weapons Convention . Toxins and psychochemical weapons are often referred to as midspectrum agents . Unlike bioweapons, these midspectrum agents do not reproduce in their host and are typically characterized by shorter incubation periods." -- Wikipedia
"A neutron bomb, officially termed one type of Enhanced Radiation Weapon (ERW), is a low yield thermonuclear weapon in which a burst of neutrons generated by a nuclear fusion reaction is intentionally allowed to escape the weapon, rather than being absorbed by its other components. The neutron bomb was to be used as a tactical nuclear weapon intended for use against armored forces." -- Wikipedia
"A directed-energy weapon (DEW) is a ranged weapon system that inflicts damage at a target by emission of highly focused energy, including laser, microwaves and particle beams. Potential applications of this technology include anti-personnel weapon systems, missile defense system, and the disabling of lightly armored vehicles or mounted optical devices" -- Wikipedia
"Sonic and ultrasonic weapons are weapons of various types that use sound to injure, incapacitate, or kill an opponent. Some sonic weapons are currently in limited use or in research and development by military and police forces. Some of these weapons have been described as sonic bullets, sonic grenades, sonic mines, or sonic cannons. Some make a focused beam of sound or ultrasound; some make an area field of sound." -- Wikipedia
"Metal Storm has created a 36-barreled stacked projectile volley gun, boasting the highest rate of fire in the world. The prototype array demonstrated a firing rate of just over 1 million rounds per minute for a 180-round burst of 0.01 seconds (~27,777 rpm / barrel). Firing within 0.1 seconds from up to 1600 barrels (at maximum configuration) the gun claimed a maximum rate of fire of 1.62 million RPM and creating a dense wall (0.1 m between follow-up projectiles) of 24,000 projectiles." -- Wikipedia
"Even though it may look, sound, and act like a death ray, China claims that its new long-range pain beam isn’t lethal. Considering the claim that it can cause “overwhelming pain,” though, a victim just might wish it killed them anyway. Ever since Transmetropolitan’s bowel disruptor terrified a dystopian future and Minority Report made the movie-going world wonder — if only for a fleeting moment — if they’d rather be shot with a bullet than hit with the sick stick, there have been actual weapons developed in the real world that seem straight out of science fiction. While it hasn’t been used to win a war just yet, the beginnings of sonic weaponry already exist, and the US Navy already has laser weaponry that is controlled with a device reminiscent of a video game controller. China’s new weapon, dubbed the Poly WB-1, doesn’t make you uncontrollably poop or incapacitate you through induced vomiting, but it burns you from the inside out from over half a mile (or one kilometer) away. The Poly WB-1 uses millimeter wave beams to excite the water molecules within a victim until they heat up, causing overwhelming — but non-lethal — pain. Basically, it’s like a household kitchen microwave turned into a long-range, targeted weapon. As you can see from the image to the right, the beam is attached to a very conspicuous truck, complete with military colors and emergency lights — you don’t have to worry about someone sneaking it through a security checkpoint at an airport or concert just yet. Publicly, at least, the Poly WB-1 isn’t slated for miniaturization just yet, but will instead be attached to ships. While a pain beam sounds absolutely terrifying, it’s arguably a step in a safer direction for military conflict than the tried-and-true lethal favorites of bullets, bombs, and fire. It’s also a much safer alternative to weapons that use chemical or biological agents. Though the Poly WB-1 sounds like it’s from the future, it’s not the first non-lethal pain beam that acts like a microwave. The US developed its own microwave pain beam back in 2007, the Raytheon Active Denial System, as a means of crowd control. It was deployed in 2010, but wasn’t ever used — reportedly because of a 16-hour boot time, and massive fuel cost if left in standby mode after boot — and recalled the same year. It was also a satellite-like object placed atop a truck. Even if China has figured out the boot time and fuel cost, it may be keeping the weapon as insurance or a looming threat, rather than actually using it — the negative publicity of a long-range pain beam that microwaves people might be too much for China to handle if the rest of the world has a problem with it. For now, just be glad you can’t sneak that thing through a metal detector." --
"Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. The tags contain electronically stored information. Passive tags collect energy from a nearby RFID reader's interrogating radio waves. Active tags have a local power source such as a battery and may operate at hundreds of meters from the RFID reader. Unlike a barcode, the tag need not be within the line of sight of the reader, so it may be embedded in the tracked object. RFID is one method for Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC). RFID tags are used in many industries, for example, an RFID tag attached to an automobile during production can be used to track its progress through the assembly line; RFID-tagged pharmaceuticals can be tracked through warehouses; and implanting RFID microchips in livestock and pets allows for positive identification of animals. Since RFID tags can be attached to cash, clothing, and possessions, or implanted in animals and people, the possibility of reading personally-linked information without consent has raised serious privacy concerns. These concerns resulted in standard specifications development addressing privacy and security issues. ISO/IEC 18000 and ISO/IEC 29167 use on-chip cryptography methods for untracebility, tag and reader authentication, and over-the-air privacy. ISO/IEC 20248 specifies a digital signature data structure for RFID and barcodes providing data, source and read method authenticity. This work is done within ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 31 Automatic identification and data capture techniques. Tags can also be used in shops to expedite checkout, and to prevent theft by customers and employees. In 2014, the world RFID market was worth US$8.89 billion, up from US$7.77 billion in 2013 and US$6.96 billion in 2012. This figure includes tags, readers, and software/services for RFID cards, labels, fobs, and all other form factors. The market value is expected to rise to US$18.68 billion by 2026." -- Wikipedia
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic..." ~Arthur C. Clarke
"It is completely clear that the state which is first to create such [psychotronic] weapons will achieve incomparable superiority." ~Major I. Chernishev, Russian army
"Whoever controls the best directed energy weapons controls the world without guns or bullets." ~Vladimir Putin
"With Remote Neural Monitoring Humanity is the Think Tank...Artificial intelligence is at the heart of the conspiracy." ~Omnisense
"It seems AI has the power of the Matrix (in the movie) without the need for us to be in a pod plugged in." ~Andrew Hale
"We have things in the Nevada desert that are alien to your way of thinking far beyond anything you see on Star Trek...If you've seen it in Star Trek or Star Wars, we've been there and done that." ~Ben Rich, Lockheed Skunkworks Program Manager
Perhaps for his temerity in asking Bonesmen about 322, veteran journalist Tim Russert was pronounced dead at 2:23 pm 6/13/2008. "When Tim Russert asked President George W. Bush what the Skull and Bones special number - 322 ­ signified Bush replied that this was a secret. Senator John Kerry, who ran against Bush in 2004, is also a member of this ultra-secret society. He also refused to tell us what the number 322 meant to Skull and Bones. Skull and Bones is a German secret organization that successfully transferred itself across the Atlantic Ocean in the early 1800's. When you back-engineer the secret societies from which the German version of Skull and Bones emerged one finds a strange fascination with Mars. March is the only month of the year that is named after a specific planet in the solar system. It is also the first day of spring as well as the first day in the zodiacal sign of Aries, which is the Greek word for Mars, and it is where 'March' gets its name. The number 322 is vitally important to these secret societies especially Skull and Bones, which has the number, enshrined in their tomb at Yale. The number 322 is actually the number for March 22nd. The first day of Aries, also called Mars. The great alchemist Fulcanelli was a member of a secret society in Europe. He tells us of a secret elite that rule the world. In his obscure book Mystery of the Cathedrals he tells us that there is a secret science called alchemy that only the elites understand. He also tells us that all alchemy begins in Aries (Mars)." -- "Fulcanelli was the name used by a French alchemist and esoteric author, whose identity is still debated. The name Fulcanelli seems to be a play on words: Vulcan, the ancient Roman god of fire, plus El, a Canaanite name for God and so the Sacred Fire." -- Wikipedia
"Skull and Bones is an undergraduate senior secret student society at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut. The oldest senior class society at the university, Skull and Bones has become a cultural institution known for its powerful alumni and various conspiracy theories. The society's alumni organization, the Russell Trust Association, owns the organization's real estate and oversees the membership. The society is known informally as "Bones", and members are known as "Bonesmen"." -- Wikipedia
"The order was incorporated in 1856 by General William Huntington Russell, and Alphonso Taft who became Secretary of War under President Grant in 1876. The numerical value of this year is 1+8+7+6 = 22, and the numerical motto for Skull and Bones is 322, or 3 x’s 22 which you will see below is not a coincidence. In numerology, the number 22 is often called the Master Builder. The Phoenician-Hebrews possess 22 books and their alphabet is made up of 22 letters, which was created to compose the Word of God. The Kabbalah teaches us that the letters of the Hebrew alphabet are the building blocks of universe. The underlying occult scientific significance of the number 22 in science would represent the bones of the skull, of which there are twenty-two. 8 form the cranium, or braincase, and 14 are associated with the face. Our brains are what we use to think, reason and come to know the divine or God. The 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet created to compose the Word of God is our 22 boned skull, and the place where we receive the light to become illuminated, or enlightened beings. Hence, to be like Saint John and have our own Revelation. This is why I believe Skull and Bones had chosen the number 22 as the master builders of a New World Order (NWO). This fact would be validated by Bonesmen, former CIA director and President, George HW Bush; who in the video below taken from National television, makes no bones about their Apocalyptic plans for a New World Order. Please keep in mind that this speech of biblical proportions was done on 9-11-1991, and it was exactly 10 years later to the day that the U.S. suffered an attack on the World Trade Center Towers. Shortly thereafter his son George W. Bush would begin the war in Iraq. Now I would like to theorize about the number 66 and the connection to the Skull and Bones numerical motto of 322…In the bible, the Number 66 is the numerical value of the Wheel from the Hebrew Galgal, which is very similar to the word Google; meaning a wheel, whirl, whirlwind, or simply Chaos. The meaning of Gal, Gul or Gull, is to trick or to cheat. The word “curse” is used 66 times in the Old Testament. “As for the wheels, it was cried unto them in my hearing, O wheel.” – Ezekiel 10.13 This chaos of tricks may be indicative of the CIA domestic counter terrorism plan founded under Skull and Bones member, James Jesus Angleton who was called the “Mother of the Central Intelligence Agency.” Angleton was directly responsible for a domestic espionage project called Operation CHAOS, and had coined the phrase, “Deception is a state of mind and the mind of the State.” Hence, from this point forward the CIA would play a central role in creating chaos both domestically and abroad, or ORDO AB CHAO which is the motto of the 33rd degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry." --
“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” ― Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom
Bilderberger elites met for the 66th time 6/7-10/2018 in Turin Italy. "The key topics for discussion this year include: Populism in Europe, The inequality challenge, The future of work, Artificial intelligence, The US before midterms, Free trade, US world leadership, Russia, Quantum computing, Saudi Arabia and Iran, The 'post-truth' world, & Current events" -- "The Bilderberg meeting is an annual conference established in 1954 by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands 'to foster dialogue between Europe and North America'. Participants are European and North American political leaders, experts from industry, finance, academia, and the media. The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule. The Bilderberg meetings are also unofficially called the 'Bilderberg Group', 'Bilderberg conference' or 'Bilderberg Club'." -- Wikipedia
"The Bilderberg Group meets annually at the world’s most ritzy hotels and resorts, surrounded by an armada of armed private security and local police, for a closed-door, three-day forum involving about 140 top corporate titans, technology gurus, select royalty, central bankers, former and current intelligence officials, think-tank fellows, and select reporters and editors who leave their ethics and notebooks at the gate. The sitting head of NATO attends every year. Most attendees come from Europe and North America." --
"Although geographically separate, the city-states of London, the Vatican, and the District of Colombia are one interlocking empire called Empire of The City. The flag of Washington’s District of Colombia has three red stars, one for each city-state in the three city empire. This Corporate Empire of three city-states controls the world economically through London’s inner-city, militarily through the District of Colombia, and spiritually through the Vatican. From the mystery religions of ancient Egypt to the Zionist role in 9/11, Ring Of Power 'unrevises' 4000 years of revisionist human history with never - before - seen revelations." --
"California Wildfires: Role of Undisclosed Atmospheric Manipulation and Geoengineering SAN DIEGO, Nov. 14, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- California Governor Jerry Brown blames climate change for the currently raging wildfires in California. A recently published scientific article challenges that assertion, and reveals a fundamentally different underlying cause for the California wildfire severity that officials have neglected to disclose. Published October 1, 2018 in the Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, the scientific article by J. Marvin Herndon, PhD, of Transdyne Corporation and Mark Whiteside, MD, MPH, a Florida Department of Health physician, reveals an unrecognized source of causality leading to increases in combustibility, intensity, and the extent of California, wildfires, and the concomitant harm to human and environmental health. The authors, as noted in the article, "review the evidence that atmospheric manipulation utilizing aerosolized coal fly ash is a primary factor in the extent and severity of forest fires in California and elsewhere; adverse effects include exacerbation of drought, tree and vegetation die- off and desiccation, and unnaturally heating the atmosphere and surface regions of Earth." Jet-spraying tiny particles into the region where clouds form, instead of compensating for global warming as some climate scientists wrongly believe, does quite the opposite including, as the article reveals, inhibiting rainfall, retarding heat loss from the surface, contributing to global warming, blocking the flow of moisture-laden clouds from the Pacific, causing climate chaos, poisoning the environment, and posing serious potential health risks to humans. The article further reveals, "Forest combustibility is increased by moisture-absorbing aerosolized particles that damage the waxy coatings of leaves and needles, reducing their tolerance to drought. The aerial climate manipulation using coal fly ash greatly increases the potential for forest fire ignition by lightning. In addition as the article discloses, "Wildfires dramatically worsen baseline air pollution, emitting harmful gases and volatile organic compounds, and they both concentrate and re-emit toxic elements and radioactive nuclides over a wide area." As the article states, "The type of air pollution created by wildfires is associated with increased all-cause mortality, with the greatest impact on respiratory and cardiovascular disease. Studies have shown that aerosolized coal fly ash is an important risk factor for chronic lung disease, lung cancer and neurodegenerative disease. Failure to recognize multifold adverse consequences of jet-spraying particulates into the atmosphere … will continue the progression of ever-accelerating ecological disasters." The undisclosed jet-sprayed tiny particles do not remain in the region where clouds form, but mix with the air we breathe posing, without informed consent, human and environmental health calamities. No one has the right to poison the air we breathe or to corrupt our planet's complex and interrelated natural processes that makes life on Earth possible. The raging severity of the California wildfires should be a wakeup call for prudent citizens to demand an immediate and permanent halt to all geoengineering activities." --
"Conspiracy Confirmed: US Government Openly Meets To Discuss Future of Chemtrails/Geoengineering 11/11/2017 Wednesday marked the first time that the U.S. government openly acknowledged and discussed the reality of chemtrails—or as they and their ilk call it, “geoengineering.” Politicians and members of various fields convened for the US House Subcommittee on Environment and Subcommittee on Energy Hearing, discussing everything from funding the controversial sky-spraying operations to closely regulating them to prevent significant damage to the public. “One concern,” said Committee Chairman Lamar Smith during the hearing, “is that brightening clouds could alter rain patterns, making it rain more in some places or less in others. We still do not know enough about this subject to thoroughly understand the pros and cons of these types of technologies.” Described by some as a “coming out party” for the entire geoengineering industry, the hearing also acted as a way to legitimize the field and gain federal funding from the Trump Administration. [Philip] Rasch and [Joseph] Majkut are two climate specialists who testified Wednesday…on the potential for “geoengineering” — a catchall for proposals to directly cool the atmosphere or pull carbon emissions from it. “One idea gaining traction is to seed marine clouds with salt water or other particles, increasing their potential to reflect solar rays, cooling the earth. Its part of nascent and controversial branch of science known as “sunlight reflection methods,” or SRM. “’We think SRM could buy time for other (carbon-reduction) measures to be put in place,” said…Rasch, chief climate scientist for the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington. “’If the worst case scenarios of global warming come to pass,” [added Majkut,] “these technologies could be used to help people, saving lives and economies from the worst effects of climate change.” America’s own elected representatives, along with key specialists in a variety of fields, are openly discussing spraying the sky with potentially-toxic materials. It’s an irony too bitter to handle after years of disinformation and social ostracization against the so-called “conspiracy theorists” who were convinced that large airliners high in the sky were spraying something…unnatural. But it hasn’t only been online speculators—numerous studies have suggested someone is spraying something into the sky, and sometimes with toxic consequences. “The widespread, intentional and increasingly frequent chemical emplacement in the troposphere,” reads one study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research, “has gone unidentified and unremarked in the scientific literature for years.” “The author presents evidence that toxic coal combustion fly ash is the most likely aerosolized particulate sprayed by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes and describes some of the multifold consequences on public health.” Despite openly advocating for what was once ridiculed as a conspiracy theory—and which has plenty of evidence suggesting it could be harmful to the public’s health—attendees at the hearing casually discussed the importance of “regulating” upcoming geoengineering operations. Jerry McNerney, a Congressman from California, announced his plans to oversee any such spraying initiatives, including urging the Energy Department to support two new reports by the National Academy of Sciences, one of which includes suggestions on how to regulate the practice. A significant motive for chemtrailing seems to be centered on combating climate change. Chairman smith emphasized, “…we are not sure this is plausible, some scientists believe it could achieve substantial environmental benefits at a cheaper cost than regulations,” adding that there was, indeed, a potential for “unintended consequences of geoengineering.”" --
submitted by anti-ZOG-sci-fry to u/anti-ZOG-sci-fry [link] [comments]

[For Sale] My entire collection, including the real goodies. Have some good Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin I am looking into and will be posting later.

PM me for conditions. Can only ship to the US minus Alaska and Hawaii. Shipping is $5 plus $.50 for each record. Also, I am open to trades so feel free to look at my Discogs wantlist
I would prefer that most purchases include 2+ records, helps me with shipping.. Need to get rid of the cheaper ones.
I have covers for some Beatles records, Jackson 5 records, and others that I will throw in for free if you purchase 6+ records.
If you buy 8+ records, I will throw in a Sgt Pepper record that isn't in great condition, but it's all yours
Items that are new to the list
Supertramp Even In The Quietest Moments... $3.00
Bob Dylan Planet Waves $8.00
Traffic When The Eagle Flies $2.50
Phil Collins Hello, I Must Be Going! $2.00
The Don Burrows Quartet At The Sydney Opera House $7.00
Gloria Gaynor I Am What I Am 12" Single $4.00
Neil Diamond You Don't Bring Me Flowers $6.00
Elvis Costello My Aim Is True $7.00
REO Speedwagon You Can Tune A Piano, But You Can't Tuna Fish $5.00
Tony Bennett Just One Of Those Things $3.00
Kansas (2) Leftoverture $6.00
The Beatles Can't Buy Me Love 7" Single (Australian) $7.00
The Beatles I Should Have Known Better 7" Single (Australian) $7.00
Various Hit Factory 3 - The Best Of Stock Aitken Waterman $3.00
The Monkees I Wanna Be Free / You Just May Be The One 7" Single $6.00
The Monkees The Monkees Volume 1 7" EP $20.00
The Monkees She 7" EP $10.00
The Monkees Cuddly Toy 7" EP $12.00
The Monkees A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You/The Girl I Knew Somewhere 7" $8.00
The Monkees Valleri 7" Single $8.00
Jimi Hendrix Crash Landing $7.00
Phil Collins ...But Seriously $2.00
10cc Look Hear? $3.00
Fleetwood Mac Tusk 7" Single $2.00
"Annie" Original Cast Annie (Original Cast Recording) $0.50 G+/VG+
1776 Original Broadway Cast 1776 - A New Musical $1.00
ABC The Lexicon Of Love $4.00
Aerosmith Rocks $8.00
Aerosmith Aerosmith $8.00
Al Di Meola Elegant Gypsy $2.00
Al Di Meola Casino $3.00
Al Di Meola Electric Rendezvous $3.00
Alan Parsons Project The Turn Of A Friendly Card $2.00
Alan Parsons Project I Robot $3.00
Alan Parsons Project Eye In The Sky $2.00 VG+/VG+
Alan Parsons Project Eye In The Sky $2.00 VG+/VG+
Aldo Nova Aldo Nova $3.00
Alex North The Sound And The Fury $9.00
Alex Taylor With Friends And Neighbors $3.00
Alexis Weissenberg Sonatas No. 62 In E-flat / No. 50 In D / No. 33 In C Minor $5.00
Alice Cooper Love It To Death $5.00 G/G
Alice Cooper Billion Dollar Babies $12.00
America Hat Trick $1.50
America Holiday $1.50
America History · America's Greatest Hits $1.50
America Silent Letter $1.50
America Alibi $1.50
America America $2.00
America Live $2.00
André Previn Trio The Light Fantastic, A Tribute To Fred Astaire $2.00
Andreas Vollenweider White Winds $2.00
Andrew Gold Whirlwind $3.00
Andy Williams Alone Again (Naturally) $2.00
Aretha Franklin Hey Now Hey (The Other Side Of The Sky) $6.00
Armageddon Armageddon $10.00
Arthur Rubinstein The Chopin Ballades $3.00
Arthur Rubinstein Artur Rubinstein - Chopin $5.00
Artie Shaw This Is Artie Shaw $3.00
Atlanta Rhythm Section Red Tape $3.00
Audrey Hepburn And Rex Harrison My Fair Lady - Soundtrack $4.00
Aztec Two-Step Aztec Two-Step $1.50
Aztec Two-Step Second Step $1.50
Aztec Two-Step Adjoining Suites $1.50
Aztec Two-Step Two's Company $1.50
B-52's Mesopotamia $6.00
Ballet Folklorico De Mexico Ballet Folklorico De Mexico $4.00
Bananarama Bananarama $3.00
Barbara Mandrell / Lee Greenwood Meant For Each Other $1.00
Barbra Streisand The Way We Were $1.00
Barbra Streisand Stoney End $1.50
Barbra Streisand A Happening In Central Park $1.50
Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand's Greatest Hits $1.50
Barbra Streisand My Name Is Barbra, Two... $1.50
Barbra Streisand A Christmas Album $1.50
Barbra Streisand Streisand Superman $1.50
Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand's Greatest Hits - Volume 2 $1.50
Barbra Streisand Memories $1.50
Barbra Streisand The Broadway Album $3.00
Barry Manilow Live $2.00
Beatles Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da $7.00 Australian Pressing/ Generic Cover G+
Bee Gees Here At Last - Live $5.00
Belinda Carlisle Belinda $1.00
Benny Mardones Never Run Never Hide $5.00
Berlin Pleasure Victim $4.00
Beverly Sill Music Of Victor Herbert $1.00
Billy Cobham The Best Of Billy Cobham $3.00
Billy Cobham Life & Times $4.00
Billy Cobham Crosswinds $6.00
Billy Joel Greatest Hits Volume I & Volume II $18.00
Billy Squier The Tale Of The Tape $5.00
Billy Vaughn Sukiyaka $2.00
Bob & Doug McKenzie Great White North $4.00
Bob James Touchdown $1.00
Bob James Lucky Seven $2.00
Bonnie Raitt Sweet Forgiveness $2.00
Bonnie Raitt Sweet Forgiveness $2.00
Bonnie Raitt Give It Up $4.00
Boz Scaggs & Band Boz Scaggs & Band $3.00
Brand X Unorthodox Behaviour $2.00
Brand X Unorthodox Behaviour $2.00
Brand X Livestock $3.00
Brand X Moroccan Roll $3.00
Brand X Product $3.00
Brothers Four The Big Folk Hits $1.00
Bruce Cockburn Further Adventures Of $2.00
Bubba Sparxxx Ms. New Booty $3.00
Buffy Sainte-Marie Little Wheel Spin And Spin $3.00
Burl Ives Burl Ives Sings Little White Duck And Other Children's Favorites $1.00
Burt Bacharach Plays His Hits $1.00
Byrds (Untitled) $5.00
Canned Heat Human Condition $4.00
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach The Harp $1.00
Carlos Santana The Swing Of Delight $3.00
Carly Simon Boys In The Trees $3.00
Carol Channing, Florence Henderson The Great Stars of Broadway $1.00
Caswell Carnahan Borderlands $3.00
Cat Stevens Cat Stevens' Buddha And The Chocolate Box $7.00
Cate Bros. Band Cate Bros. Band $4.00
Charlie Musselwhite Louisiana Fog $8.00
Charlie Parker Birdology $4.00 VG/VG
Cher The Shoop Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss) $2.00
Chicago Chicago V $5.00
Chicago Chicago IX Chicago's Greatest Hits $5.00
Chicago Chicago III $4.00
Chris de Burgh Into The Light $2.00
Chuck Mangione Main Squeeze $3.00
Chuck Mangione Encore - The Chuck Mangione Concerts $2.00
Clannad Magical Ring $3.00
Clannad Crann Ull $4.00
Cleveland Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski Debussy: La Mer (The Sea) $0.50 G/G
Climax Blues Band 1969 / 1972 $6.00
Cooper Brothers Cooper Brothers $3.00
Cream Goodbye $8.00
Cream Goodbye $8.00
Crosby & Nash Graham Nash David Crosby $3.00
Crosby, Stills & Nash Daylight Again $3.00
Crosby, Stills & Nash Crosby, Stills & Nash $4.00
Crosby, Stills & Nash Crosby, Stills & Nash $4.00
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young 4 Way Street $3.00
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young 4 Way Street $3.00
Crusaders Street Life $2.00
Crusaders Southern Comfort $3.00
Dan Fogelberg Captured Angel $2.00
Dan Fogelberg Nether Lands $2.00
Dan Fogelberg Phoenix $2.00
Dan Fogelberg The Innocent Age $2.00
Dan Fogelberg Windows And Walls $2.00
Daniel Adni, Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Kenneth Alwyn Music From Films For Piano & Orchestra $2.00
Danny Guglielmi Adventure In Sound $15.00
David Crosby If I Could Only Remember My Name $3.00 VG/G
David Merrick And Leland Hayward Gypsy - A Musical Fable $1.00
David Qualey Soliloquy $4.00
David Riordan Medicine Wheel $2.00
David Sanborn A Change Of Heart $2.00
David Shire Baby $2.00
David Soul Playing To An Audience Of One $2.00
David Werner David Werner $3.00
Dexter Wansel What The World Is Coming To $4.00
Dick Hyman And His Orchestra Provocative Piano $3.00
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau Lieder Von Debussy Und Ravel $2.00
Dire Straits Love Over Gold $7.00
Dixie Dregs What If $2.00
Don Burrows Duo $2.00
Dragon Body And The Beat $4.00
Earl Klugh Dream Come True $1.50
Eddie Kochak Strictly Belly Dancing (Ya Habibi #2) $3.00
Eddie Kochak Strictly Belly Dancing Vol. 3 $3.00
Electric Light Orchestra / Olivia Newton-John Xanadu - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack $4.50
Elias Rahbani Mosaic Of The Orient (Näi, Buzuk & Guitar) $145.00
Elton John Caribou $3.00
Elton John Tumbleweed Connection $3.00 G+/G+
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Emerson, Lake & Palmer $4.00
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Emerson, Lake & Palmer $4.00
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Tarkus $5.00 Emerson, Lake & Palmer Pictures At An Exhibition $5.00
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Trilogy $5.00
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Brain Salad Surgery $5.00
Engelbert Humperdinck Just For You $2.50
Engelbert Humperdinck Just For You $2.50
Enoch Light And His Orchestra Stereo 35/MM $3.00
Eugene Ormandy And The Philadelphia Orchestra Symphony No. 1 In C Minor $1.00
Eugene Ormandy And The Philadelphia Orchestra Christmas $3.00
Evelyn King Music Box $4.00
Faces A Nod Is As Good As A Wink...To A Blind Horse (Includes poster) $18.00 VG/G
Fairground Attraction The First Of A Million Kisses $6.00
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Sonatas For Cello And Piano $2.00
Felix Slatkin Charge ! $4.00
Foghat Foghat $7.00
Foghat Boogie Motel $4.00
Gary Brooker (No More) Fear Of Flying $3.00
Gene Watson Heartaches, Love & Stuff $2.00
Genesis Genesis $4.00
Genesis A Trick Of The Tail $6.00
Gentle Giant The Power And The Glory $6.00
Gentle Giant Free Hand $15.00
George Abdo And His "Flames Of Araby" Orchestra Belly Dance Music $3.00
George Abdo And His "Flames Of Araby" Orchestra The Art Of Belly Dancing $3.00
George Abdo And His "Flames Of Araby" Orchestra The Joy Of Belly Dancing $3.00
George Abdo And His "Flames Of Araby" Orchestra Belly Dancing With George Abdo $3.00
George Benson Give Me The Night $4.00
George Carlin FM & AM $5.00
George Gershwin Rhapsody In Blue And Porgy And Bess $1.00
George Harrison George Harrison $7.00
Giacomo Puccini La Bohème $1.00
Gian Carlo Menotti Amahl and the Night Visitors $4.00
Gian Carlo Menotti Amahl And The Night Visitors $4.00
Gilbert & Sullivan The Mikado $3.00
Glenn Frey No Fun Aloud $2.00
Gordon Michaels Stargazer $5.00
Grover Washington, Jr. Paradise $5.00
Grover Washington, Jr. All The King's Horses $6.00
Harry Chapin Dance Band On The Titanic $2.00
Harry Chapin Sequel $2.00
Heart Heart $2.00
Heart Dreamboat Annie $7.00
Herb Alpert Rise / Aranjuez (Mon Amour) $2.00
Herb Alpert Rise $11.00
Hilton Kean Jones Hilton Kean Jones' Eastmontage And Performances By Eastman School Of Music Student Ensembles $10.00
Holly Near Imagine My Surprise! $2.00
Holly Near, Arlo Guthrie Harp $1.50
Huey Lewis & The News Sports $2.00
Humble Pie Performance: Rockin' The Fillmore $6.00
Ian Thomas Riders On Dark Horses $4.50
Igor Stravinsky Stravinsky Conducts Histoire Du Soldat Suite: Pulcinella Suite $4.00
It's A Beautiful Day It's A Beautiful Day $7.00
Jackie Gleason Jackie Gleason Presents The Torch With The Blue Flame $2.00
Jackson Browne Lawyers In Love $2.00
Jaime Brockett Remember The Wind And The Rain $4.00 VG/VG-
Jake Walton The Gloaming Grey $1.00
James Gang Yer' Album $9.00
James Last Guitar À Gogo $1.00
James Levine Conducts Johannes Brahms, The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Symphony No. 1 $4.00
James Taylor Flag $2.00
James Taylor Dad Loves His Work $2.00
Jane Olivor The Best Side Of Goodbye $2.00
Jean-Pierre Rampal / Claude Bolling Suite For Flute And Jazz Piano $2.00
Jean-Pierre Rampal / Lily Laskine Music For Flute And Harp $2.00
Jeff Beck Wired $6.00
Jeff Beck Wired $3.00
Jeff Lass Conversations With Bill Evans $1.00
Jeff Wayne Jeff Wayne's Musical Version Of The War Of The Worlds $4.00
Jefferson Airplane Early Flight $4.00
Jerome Kern Roberta $1.00
Jesse Colin Young Song For Juli $4.00
Jesse Winchester Jesse Winchester $4.00
Jethro Tull Benefit $3.00
Jethro Tull Living In The Past $4.00
Jethro Tull Living In The Past $4.00
Jethro Tull Thick As A Brick $3.00
Jethro Tull Thick As A Brick $3.00
Jethro Tull The Broadsword And The Beast $6.00 VG+/VG+
Jethro Tull Songs From The Wood $6.00 VG+/VG
Jethro Tull Thick As A Brick $3.00
Jethro Tull Thick As A Brick $3.00
Jim Croce Photographs & Memories (His Greatest Hits) $5.00
Jim Kweskin & The Jug Band Garden Of Joy $6.00
Jim Reeves Gentleman Jim $2.00
Jimi Hendrix Rainbow Bridge / Original Motion Picture Sound Track $4.00 G/G
Jimmie Lunceford "Harlem Shout" Vol. 2 (1935-1936) $4.00
Jimmie Spheeris The Dragon Is Dancing $6.00
Joan Armatrading Show Some Emotion $3.00
Joan Baez In Concert $3.00
Joan Baez Farewell, Angelina $3.00
Joe Cocker Mad Dogs & Englishmen $6.00
Joe Walsh The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get $5.00 VG/VG
Johann Sebastian Bach, Berliner Philharmoniker St. Matthew Passion $4.00
Johannes Brahms Piano Quintet In F Minor, Op.34 $5.00
Johannes Brahms Piano Trio No. 1 In B Major (Op.8) / Piano Trio No.3 In C Minor (OP.101) $10.00
Johannes Brahms, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau Ein Johannes-Brahms-Liederabend $3.00
John Abercrombie, Jan Hammer, Jack DeJohnette Timeless $6.00 VG/VG
John Coltrane The Mastery Of John Coltrane / Vol. III Jupiter Variation $10.00 VG/VG+ plays great
John Cougar Mellencamp American Fool $2.00
John Lennon & The Plastic Ono Band John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band $20.00
John Renbourn The Lady And The Unicorn $6.00
John Renbourn Group The Enchanted Garden $5.00
John Renbourn Group A Maid In Bedlam $5.00
John Robertson And His Multi-Trumpets John Robertson And His Multi-Trumpets $1.00
John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John You're The One That I Want $2.00
Johnny Mathis Merry Christmas $4.00
Johnny Mathis More Johnny's Greatest Hits $2.00
Jon Butcher Axis Jon Butcher Axis $2.00
Joni Mitchell The Hissing Of Summer Lawns $5.00
Joni Mitchell Ladies Of The Canyon $6.00
Joni Mitchell For The Roses $6.00
Joni Mitchell Mingus $6.00
Joni Mitchell Shadows And Light $7.00
Jose Greco And Company Flamenco Fury $1.00
Joseph Haydn Mass In D Minor: Missa In Angustiis (Nelson Mass) $1.00
Josh White Live! $5.00
Judy Garland with Freddy Martin And His Orchestra At The Grove $3.00
Kevin Johnson Man Of The 20th Century $1.00
King Crimson USA $20.00
King Crimson Starless And Bible Black $22.00
Klaatu Klaatu $3.00 VG+/VG
Léo Chauliac Et Son Orchestre The Best Of The Beatles $2.00
Lenny White Big City $6.00
Leon Russell Leon Russell And The Shelter People $8.00
Leon Russell & Marc Benno Asylum Choir II $8.00
Leonid Kogan, Rudolf Barshai Kogan And Barshai Play - Vivaldi Rameau Handoshkin $1.00
Lisa Stansfield Affection $3.00
Little Feat The Last Record Album $5.00
Loggins And Messina Sittin' In $6.00
Loggins And Messina Loggins And Messina $3.00
Loggins And Messina The Best Of Friends $2.00
London Symphony Orchestra Beyond The Sound Barrier: The Spectacular Sound Of Digital dbx Discs $7.00
Mark Holden I Wanna Make You My Lady $2.00
Marshall Tucker Band Running Like The Wind $4.00
Mary Martin, Ezio Pinza, Rodgers & Hammerstein South Pacific With Original Broadway Cast $1.00
Maurice Ravel, Jean Martinon, The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Bolero (Great Ravel Showpieces) $1.00
Max Steiner Now, Voyager - The Classic Film Scores Of Max Steiner $2.00
Max Webster Universal Juveniles $5.00
McKendree Spring 3 $3.00
Melanie Candles In The Rain $4.00
Melos Ensemble Of London, Maurice Ravel Introduction And Allegro / Sonata For Flute, Viola And Harp $3.00
Michael Franks The Art Of Tea $4.00
Michael Jackson One Day In Your Life $4.00
Michael Martin Murphey Blue Sky · Night Thunder $3.00
Michael White The X Factor $4.00
Monkees It's Nice To Be With You / D. W. Washburn $3.00
Moon Martin Escape From Domination $3.00
Moravian Festival Chorus And Orchestra Under Thor Martin Johnson The Unknown Century Of American Classical Music (1760-1860) $5.00
Mose Allison Mose Allison Sings $1.00
Mountain Climbing! $14.00
Mrs. Mills I'm Mighty Glad $1.00
Mud Oh Boy $1.00
Music Minus One Oklahoma! $1.00
Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Collection Vol. 3 $2.00
Neil Diamond Headed For The Future $5.00
Neil Young & Crazy Horse Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere $14.00
Nektar A Tab In The Ocean $5.00
Nektar Recycled $13.00
New World Theatre Orchestra South Pacific / Oklahoma $1.00
New York Pro Musica, Alfonso X El Sabio Spanish Medieval Music $10.00
No Artist Railroad: Sounds Of A Vanishing Era $3.00
No Artist Environments (New Concepts In Stereo Sound - Disc 1) $3.00
Noël Coward The Noel Coward Album $5.00
Norrie Paramor His Strings And Orchestra In London, In Love $4.00
NSYNC Bye Bye Bye (The Remixes) $3.00
Olivia Newton-John Have You Never Been Mellow $3.00
Oregon Winter Light $5.00
Oregon Roots In The Sky $5.00
Ottorino Respighi Ancient Airs & Dances $7.00
Passport Cross-Collateral $3.00
Passport Iguaçu $3.00
Passport Garden Of Eden $3.00
Passport Oceanliner $4.00
Passport Infinity Machine $8.00
Paul Anka Anka $4.00
Paul Anka Paul Anka's 21 Golden Hits $1.00
Paul Dukas, Modest Mussorgsky, Maurice Ravel Sorcerer's Apprentice / A Night On Bare Mountain / Rapsodie Espagnole $0.50 G/G
Paul Horn Visions $5.00
Paul Horn Inside $7.00
Paul Kantner / Jefferson Starship Blows Against The Empire $2.00 VG/VG
Paul Kantner / Jefferson Starship Blows Against The Empire $2.00
Pearl Chertok Strings Of Pearl $15.00
Pentangle Open The Door $6.00
Peter, Paul & Mary In The Wind $3.00
Philadelphia Brass Ensemble A Festival Of Carols In Brass $1.00
Philip Rambow Shooting Gallery $5.00
Placido Domingo With John Denver Perhaps Love $4.00
Pointer Sisters Break Out $3.00
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - David Oistrach, Eugene Ormandy, The Philadelphia Orchestra Violin Concerto In D $4.00
Racey Some Girls $2.00
Ray Charles The Fabulous Ray Charles $2.00
Ray Charles The Genius Sings The Blues $5.00
Ray Conniff I Will Survive $3.00
Ray Martin The Sound Of Sight $3.00
Ray Noble and his Orchestra Happy Anniversary $1.00
Ray Price And His The Port Jackson Jazz Band Jazz Classics Vol. 1 $2.00
Relativity Relativity $4.00
Richard Pryor That Nigger's Crazy $7.50
Richard Strauss, Antal Dorati, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra Two Tone Poems - Don Juan, Death And Transfiguration $10.00
Richard Wagner Toscanini Conducts Wagner $5.00
Richard Wagner - Eileen Farrell, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Charles Munch Brunnhilde's Immolation / Tristan And Isolde: Prelude And Liebestod $8.00
Robert Casadesus Robert Casadesus Plays Sonatas by Chopin Mozart & Haydn $1.00
Robert Hall Collins, Ruth Barrett Phelps The Sacred Ministry Of Song $1.00
Robert Schumann / Elisabeth Schwarzkopf - Geoffrey Parsons Frauenliebe Und Leben, Op. 42 / Liederkreis, Op. 39 (Eichendorff) $1.00
Robert Shaw, The Robert Shaw Chorale Christmas Hymns And Carols Volume 1 $1.00
Roberta Flack Killing Me Softly $5.00
Rod Stewart Atlantic Crossing $5.00
Rod Stewart Gasoline Alley $8.00
Rod Stewart (If Loving You Is Wrong) I Don't Want To Be Right $1.00
Rodgers & Hammerstein The Sound Of Music (An Original Soundtrack Recording) $1.00 G/G
Roger McGuinn Cardiff Rose $3.00
Roland Kirk Blacknuss $7.00 VG/VG
Roland Kirk Bright Moments $7.00 VG/VG
Rosalie Sorrels Travelin' Lady $6.00
Rossington Collins Band Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere $2.00
Roxy Music Manifesto $5.00
Roxy Music Flesh + Blood $2.50
Rubber Rodeo Scenic Views $3.00
Rush Caress Of Steel $10.00
Ruth Welcome Sentimental Zither $1.00
Sally Ann Howes, Terry Carter And Brock Peters Kwamina (Original Broadway Cast) $1.00
Santana Festivál $6.00
Santana Zebop! $6.00
Sarah Vaughan After Hours With Sarah Vaughan $10.00
Savoy Brown A Step Further $6.00
Savoy Brown Blue Matter $10.00
Savoy Brown Street Corner Talking $10.00
Seals & Crofts Year Of Sunday $2.00
Seals & Crofts Summer Breeze $2.00
Seawind Seawind $3.00
Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff Piano-Concerto No. 2 In C Minor • 6 Preludes $1.00
Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff Piano-Concerto No. 2 In C Minor Op. 18 $1.00
Shadowfax We Used To Laugh • The Firewalker $1.00
Sigmund Romberg The Student Prince $2.00
Sir Thomas Beecham, The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Richard Strauss Ein Heldenleben (A Hero's Life) $2.00
Skyline Late To Work $5.00
Soft Machine Seven $8.00
Spandau Ballet Parade $3.00
Spooky Tooth The Mirror $5.00
Stanley Clarke Journey To Love $5.00
Steppenwolf Gold (Their Great Hits) $3.00
Steve Goodman Somebody Else's Troubles $3.00
Steve Khan Arrows $3.00
Steve Winwood Winwood $4.00
Steven Halpern Eastern Peace $4.00
Steven Halpern Natural Light $4.00
Stevie Wonder Fulfillingness' First Finale $7.00
Sting The Dream Of The Blue Turtles $5.00
Stusick Harp And Instrumental Trio The Stusick Sisters With Mrs. Stanley S. Stusick Harp & Instrumental Trio $1.00
Styx Cornerstone $5.00
Supertramp Crisis? What Crisis? $6.00
Supertramp Crime Of The Century $8.00
Susanna Mildonian Recital N° 1 $1.00
Susanna Mildonian Recital N° 2 $1.00
Tears For Fears Pale Shelter (You Don't Give Me Love) $10.00
Ten Years After Ssssh. $3.00 VG/VG
Ten Years After Ssssh. $3.00
Ten Years After Watt $8.00
The Band Music From Big Pink $7.00 G+/G+
The Cars Shake It Up $6.00
The Cars Panorama $4.00
The Feenjon Group Belly Dancing At The Cafe Feenjon $4.00
The Gardners Folksongs Far & Near $3.00
The Georgia Satellites Georgia Satellites $3.00
The Grass Roots Golden Grass: Their Greatest Hits $3.00
The James Last Band Trumpet À Gogo $1.00
The Melachrino Strings More Music For Dining $1.00
The Melachrino Strings Moods In Music: Music For Reading $2.00
The Nice Ars Longa Vita Brevis $4.00
The Osmonds The Proud One $2.00
The Pretenders Pretenders II $3.00
The Pretenders Pretenders $3.00
The Records The Records $4.00
The Righteous Brothers The Best Of $2.00
The Robert Shaw Chorale A Mighty Fortress $3.00
The Section Fork It Over $4.00
The Seekers Georgy Girl $2.00
The Stephane Caillat Vocal Quartet The Ronsard Circle $1.00
The Stompers One Heart For Sale $4.00
The Weavers The Best Of The Weavers $3.00
The Who Live At Leeds $6.00 (Both have inserts)
The Who Quadrophenia $6.00
Three 6 Mafia Presents Project Pat Chickenhead $3.00
Tim Weisberg The Tip Of The Weisberg $4.00
Todd Rundgren A Wizard, A True Star $7.00
Tommy Bolin Private Eyes $5.00
Tommy Dorsey And His Orchestra This Is Tommy Dorsey $2.00
Tommy Dorsey And His Orchestra, Frank Sinatra I'll See You In My Dreams $2.00
Traffic Best Of Traffic $7.00
Triumvirat Spartacus $2.00
UK Danger Money $5.00
Unknown Artist Flick Themes '72 $1.50
Unknown Artist Sound Effects Volume 1 $3.00
Unknown Artist The Art Of Belly Dancing Vol. II $6.00
Uriah Heep Demons And Wizards $6.00
Usher U Remind Me $2.00
Van Morrison Tupelo Honey $4.50 G+/G+
Various This Is The Era Of Memorable Song Hits: The Decade Of The 30s $1.00
Various Windham Hill Records Sampler '81 $1.00
Various Windham Hill Records Sampler '81 $1.00
Various Windham Hill Records Sampler '82 $1.00
Various Windham Hill Records Sampler '82 $1.00
Various An Evening With Windham Hill Live $1.00
Various Your Hit Parade - 1951 $1.00
Various Hello Dolly! (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Album) $2.00
Various The Best Disco Album In The World $2.00
Various Favorite Themes From Masterpiece Theatre $2.00
Various Something Festive $3.00
Various Propaganda $3.00
Various Admiral Stereophonic Demonstration Record $5.00
Various Woodstock Two $9.00
Various Woodstock - Music From The Original Soundtrack And More $10.00
Various A Collector's Sondheim $8.00
Various Music For The Jet Set $1.00
Various Russian Folk Dances of the Moiseyev Dance Company $1.00
Various Philharmonic Family Library Of Great Music Album 1 $1.00
Various Nashville's Greatest Instrumentalists Volume II $1.00
Various Saturday Night Fever (The Original Movie Sound Track) $3.00
Vladimir Horowitz Sonata In B-Flat Minor (Piano Music Of Chopin And Liszt) $1.00
Weather Report Mysterious Traveller $5.00
Weather Report Tale Spinnin' $5.00
Weather Report Mr. Gone $5.00
Weather Report Mr. Gone $5.00
Weather Report Night Passage $5.00
Weather Report Black Market $15.00
Willie Nelson & Family Honeysuckle Rose (Music From The Original Soundtrack) $10.00
Wings London Town $7.00
Wishbone Ash Pilgrimage $15.00
submitted by jamesmurray34 to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

[For Sale] 400+ records, mostly $1. Need to get rid of them. Buy 3 get 1 free*. Everything is as low as I can possibly make it.

Can only ship to the US minus Alaska and Hawaii. Shipping is $4.75 plus $.35 for each individual LP. Also, I am open to trades so feel free to look at my Discogs wantlist or anything that is new hip hop
** I will add the free record only if it ships in the mailer without damaging the other records.
Items that do not have conditions have not had their prices lowered so PM me for requests on prices.
[SOLD] Led zeppelin II SD 8236 G+/G+ (Sleeve is in tact and is close to VG) $6
Led Zeppelin II SD 8236 G/F (Sleeve where record goes has split) $3
Led Zeppelin III SD 7201 G+/G+ (Overall really good condition, a few scratches and a little wear) $10
Led Zeppelin Physical Graffiti VG/VG+ $17
[SOLD] Pink Floyd Animals VG/VG $17
[SOLD] Pink Floyd Ummagumma VG/VG $17
[SOLD] Outkast - Speakerboxx/The Love Below (RE) $18 VG+/VG+
[SOLD] Khalid - American Teen $19 VG+/VG+
[SOLD] Sampha - Process $16 VG+/VG+
"Annie" Original Cast Annie (Original Cast Recording) G+ G+ $0.50
10cc Look Hear? $3.00
1776 Original Broadway Cast 1776 - A New Musical G+ VG $0.99
ABC The Lexicon Of Love $4.00
Aerosmith Rocks $8.00
[SOLD] Aerosmith Aerosmith G+ G+ $3.99
Aerosmith Aerosmith $4.00
Al Di Meola Elegant Gypsy VG VG $2.50
Al Di Meola Casino VG VG $2.00
Al Di Meola Electric Rendezvous VG+ VG $2.50
Alan Parsons Project The Turn Of A Friendly Card VG+ VG $1.00
Alan Parsons Project Eye In The Sky VG VG $1.00
Alan Parsons Project Eye In The Sky VG+ VG+ $1.00
Aldo Nova Aldo Nova VG+ VG $1.00
Alex North The Sound And The Fury VG VG $4.00
Alex Taylor With Friends And Neighbors G+ G+ $1.10
Alexis Weissenberg Sonatas No. 62 In E-flat / No. 50 In D / No. 33 In C Minor G+ G+ $0.50
Alice Cooper Love It To Death G G $5.00
Alice Cooper Billion Dollar Babies $12.00
America Hat Trick G G $0.75
America Holiday G G $0.25
America History · America's Greatest Hits G+ G+ $0.75
America Silent Letter G+ G+ $1.10
America Alibi VG VG $1.00
[SOLD] America America G G $1.00
America Live G VG $1.25
André Previn Trio The Light Fantastic, A Tribute To Fred Astaire $2.00
Andreas Vollenweider White Winds VG+ VG $0.75
Andrew Gold Whirlwind VG VG $1.25
Andy Williams Alone Again (Naturally) VG VG $1.00
[SOLD] Aretha Franklin Hey Now Hey (The Other Side Of The Sky) G G+ $1.00
Armageddon Armageddon G+ VG $7.25
Arthur Rubinstein The Chopin Ballades $3.00
Arthur Rubinstein Artur Rubinstein - Chopin VG G+ $1.50
Artie Shaw This Is Artie Shaw VG VG $1.00
[SOLD] Atlanta Rhythm Section Red Tape VG VG $1.00
Audrey Hepburn And Rex Harrison My Fair Lady - Soundtrack G VG $1.00
Aztec Two-Step Aztec Two-Step VG VG $1.00
Aztec Two-Step Second Step VG G+ $1.00
Aztec Two-Step Adjoining Suites VG G+ $1.00
Aztec Two-Step Two's Company VG G+ $1.00
B-52's Mesopotamia VG+ VG Sticker damage in the top right $3.25
Ballet Folklorico De Mexico Ballet Folklorico De Mexico $4.00
Bananarama Bananarama VG VG $1.00
Barbara Mandrell / Lee Greenwood Meant For Each Other VG+ VG+ $1.00
Barbra Streisand The Way We Were warped $1.00
Barbra Streisand Stoney End G+ VG $0.75
Barbra Streisand A Happening In Central Park G+ G+ $0.50
Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand's Greatest Hits G+ VG $0.75
Barbra Streisand My Name Is Barbra, Two... G+ G+ $0.75
Barbra Streisand A Christmas Album VG VG $1.00
Barbra Streisand Streisand Superman G+ G+ $0.75
Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand's Greatest Hits - Volume 2 G VG $0.50
Barbra Streisand Memories G+ VG $0.75
[SOLD] Barbra Streisand The Broadway Album VG VG $0.75
Barry Manilow Live G G+ $2.00
Beatles Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da G+ Generic $7.00
Bee Gees Here At Last - Live G+ G+ $0.75
Belinda Carlisle Belinda VG+ VG+ $1.00
Benny Mardones Never Run Never Hide VG G+ $2.00
Berlin Pleasure Victim VG VG $1.00
Beverly Sill Music Of Victor Herbert G+ VG $1.00
Billy Cobham The Best Of Billy Cobham VG+ VG $1.50
Billy Cobham Life & Times VG+ G+ $1.25
Billy Cobham Crosswinds VG G+ $2.00
[SOLD] Billy Joel Greatest Hits Volume I & Volume II VG VG $7.50
Billy Squier The Tale Of The Tape $5.00
Billy Vaughn Sukiyaka $2.00
[SOLD] Bob & Doug McKenzie Great White North VG+ VG $1.75
[SOLD] Bob Dylan Planet Waves VG VG $4.75
Bob James Touchdown VG+ VG+ $1.00
Bob James Lucky Seven VG+ VG+ $1.00
Bonnie Raitt Sweet Forgiveness VG G+ $1.25
Bonnie Raitt Sweet Forgiveness VG VG $1.50
[SOLD] Bonnie Raitt Give It Up G+ G $1.75
Boz Scaggs & Band Boz Scaggs & Band VG G+ $1.00
Brand X Unorthodox Behaviour VG VG $2.00
Brand X Unorthodox Behaviour VG+ VG+ $2.00
Brand X Livestock VG+ VG $2.00
Brand X Moroccan Roll $3.00
Brand X Product VG+ VG+ $2.50
Brothers Four The Big Folk Hits $1.00
Bruce Cockburn Further Adventures Of VG+ VG+ $1.50
[SOLD] Bubba Sparxxx Ms. New Booty VG VG $1.50
Buffy Sainte-Marie Little Wheel Spin And Spin VG G+ $1.25
Burl Ives Burl Ives Sings Little White Duck And Other Children's Favorites G+ G+ $1.00
Burt Bacharach Plays His Hits $1.00
Byrds (Untitled) G+ G+ $1.25
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach The Harp VG+ VG $1.00
[SOLD] Carlos Santana The Swing Of Delight VG VG $2.00
Carly Simon Boys In The Trees VG VG $0.50
Carol Channing, Florence Henderson The Great Stars of Broadway $1.00
Caswell Carnahan Borderlands VG VG $1.50
Cat Stevens Cat Stevens' Buddha And The Chocolate Box missing outermost sleeve $7.00
Cate Bros. Band Cate Bros. Band VG+ VG $1.25
Charlie Musselwhite Louisiana Fog G+ VG $5.50
[SOLD] Charlie Parker Birdology VG+ VG $4.00
Cher The Shoop Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss) $2.00
[SOLD] Chicago Chicago V VG VG $1.00
[SOLD] Chicago Chicago IX Chicago's Greatest Hits VG VG $1.00
[SOLD] Chicago Chicago III VG VG $1.10
Chris de Burgh Into The Light VG VG $1.00
Chuck Mangione Main Squeeze VG VG $0.75
Clannad Magical Ring $3.00
Clannad Crann Ull VG+ VG $3.50
Cleveland Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski Debussy: La Mer (The Sea) G G $1.00
Climax Blues Band 1969 / 1972 VG VG $3.50
Cooper Brothers Cooper Brothers VG VG $0.75
[SOLD] Cream Goodbye VG G+ $4.50
Cream Goodbye G G $2.00
[SOLD] Crosby & Nash Graham Nash David Crosby G+ G+ $0.75
[SOLD] Crosby, Stills & Nash Daylight Again VG VG $1.00
[SOLD] Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young 4 Way Street G+ G $1.00
[SOLD] Crusaders Street Life VG VG $1.50
Crusaders Southern Comfort G+ G $1.00
Dan Fogelberg Captured Angel VG+ VG $1.25
Dan Fogelberg Nether Lands G+ VG $1.00
Dan Fogelberg Phoenix VG+ VG+ $1.00
Dan Fogelberg The Innocent Age VG+ VG $1.25
Dan Fogelberg Windows And Walls VG+ VG $1.00
Daniel Adni, Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Kenneth Alwyn Music From Films For Piano & Orchestra VG G+ $1.00
Danny Guglielmi Adventure In Sound VG VG $12.00
David Crosby If I Could Only Remember My Name VG G $3.00
David Merrick And Leland Hayward Gypsy - A Musical Fable VG VG $1.00
David Qualey Soliloquy VG+ VG $1.00
David Riordan Medicine Wheel VG G+ $1.00
David Sanborn A Change Of Heart VG+ VG $1.00
David Shire Baby VG+ VG $1.00
David Soul Playing To An Audience Of One VG VG $1.25
David Werner David Werner VG+ VG $1.00
Dexter Wansel What The World Is Coming To VG G+ $0.75
Dick Hyman And His Orchestra Provocative Piano VG VG $1.00
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau Lieder Von Debussy Und Ravel $1.00
Dire Straits Love Over Gold VG VG $3.75
Dixie Dregs What If VG+ VG $1.00
Don Burrows Duo VG G+ $3.00
Dragon Body And The Beat VG+ VG+ $1.50
Earl Klugh Dream Come True VG+ VG $1.00
Eddie Kochak Strictly Belly Dancing (Ya Habibi #2) G+ G $1.00
Eddie Kochak Strictly Belly Dancing Vol. 3 VG G $1.00
Elias Rahbani Mosaic Of The Orient (Näi, Buzuk & Guitar) VG VG+ $125.00
Elton John Tumbleweed Connection VG G $2.25
Elton John Elton John VG VG $1.75
[SOLD] Emerson, Lake & Palmer Emerson, Lake & Palmer VG G+ $2.50
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Emerson, Lake & Palmer $4.00
[SOLD] Emerson, Lake & Palmer Tarkus VG+ VG $2.00
[SOLD] Emerson, Lake & Palmer Trilogy VG VG $1.00
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Brain Salad Surgery VG G+ $3.75
Engelbert Humperdinck Just For You VG G $1.00
Engelbert Humperdinck Just For You VG G+ $1.25
Enoch Light And His Orchestra Stereo 35/MM $3.00
Eugene Ormandy And The Philadelphia Orchestra Symphony No. 1 In C Minor G+ G+ $0.75
Eugene Ormandy And The Philadelphia Orchestra Christmas $3.00
Evelyn King Music Box $4.00
Fairground Attraction The First Of A Million Kisses VG+ VG $1.00
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Sonatas For Cello And Piano $2.00
Felix Slatkin Charge ! $4.00
Fleetwood Mac Tusk 7" Single $2.00
Foghat Foghat VG+ VG $1.25
Foghat Boogie Motel VG+ VG $1.25
Gary Brooker (No More) Fear Of Flying VG+ VG $1.25
Gene Watson Heartaches, Love & Stuff VG VG $1.00
[SOLD] Genesis Genesis VG+ VG $2.00
[SOLD] Genesis A Trick Of The Tail VG VG $1.25
[SOLD] Gentle Giant The Power And The Glory VG G+ $4.00
[SOLD] Gentle Giant Free Hand VG G+ $6.00
George Abdo And His "Flames Of Araby" Orchestra The Art Of Belly Dancing G+ G+ $0.75
George Abdo And His "Flames Of Araby" Orchestra The Joy Of Belly Dancing G G $0.75
George Abdo And His "Flames Of Araby" Orchestra Belly Dancing With George Abdo G+ G+ $0.75
[SOLD] George Benson Give Me The Night VG+ VG+ $1.75
George Carlin FM & AM VG G+ $0.75
George Gershwin Rhapsody In Blue And Porgy And Bess G VG $1.00
[SOLD] George Harrison George Harrison VG VG $1.75
Giacomo Puccini La Bohème VG VG $1.00
Gian Carlo Menotti Amahl and the Night Visitors VG VG $1.00
Gilbert & Sullivan The Mikado $3.00
Glenn Frey No Fun Aloud VG+ VG $0.75
Gloria Gaynor I Am What I Am VG VG 12' Single $0.75
Gordon Michaels Stargazer VG+ VG $1.00
[SOLD] Grover Washington, Jr. Paradise VG+ VG $0.75
[SOLD] Grover Washington, Jr. All The King's Horses VG+ VG $0.75
Harry Chapin Sequel VG VG $0.90
Heart Heart VG+ VG+ $0.75
Herb Alpert Rise VG VG $0.75
Hilton Kean Jones Hilton Kean Jones' Eastmontage And Performances By Eastman School Of Music Student Ensembles VG G+ $2.50
Holly Near Imagine My Surprise! VG VG $0.75
Holly Near, Arlo Guthrie Harp VG+ VG $0.75
Humble Pie Performance: Rockin' The Fillmore VG G+ $0.85
Ian Thomas Riders On Dark Horses VG VG $1.25
Igor Stravinsky Stravinsky Conducts Histoire Du Soldat Suite: Pulcinella Suite VG G+ $1.75
It's A Beautiful Day It's A Beautiful Day G+ G $0.75
Jackie Gleason Jackie Gleason Presents The Torch With The Blue Flame G+ G+ $1.00
Jackson Browne Lawyers In Love VG G+ $0.75
Jaime Brockett Remember The Wind And The Rain G G+ $1.00
Jake Walton The Gloaming Grey VG VG $1.00
James Gang Yer' Album G G+ $1.75
James Last Guitar À Gogo $1.00
James Levine Conducts Johannes Brahms, The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Symphony No. 1 VG+ VG $2.00
James Taylor Flag VG VG $0.50
James Taylor Dad Loves His Work VG VG $0.75
Jane Olivor The Best Side Of Goodbye VG VG $0.50
Jean-Pierre Rampal / Claude Bolling Suite For Flute And Jazz Piano VG G+ $0.65
Jean-Pierre Rampal / Lily Laskine Music For Flute And Harp G+ G+ $0.75
Jeff Beck Wired G+ G+ $0.75
Jeff Beck Wired VG G+ $1.10
Jeff Lass Conversations With Bill Evans $1.00
Jeff Wayne Jeff Wayne's Musical Version Of The War Of The Worlds VG VG $2.50
Jefferson Airplane Early Flight VG G+ $1.50
Jerome Kern Roberta VG G+ $1.00
Jesse Colin Young Song For Juli $2.00
Jesse Winchester Jesse Winchester G+ G+ $2.00
[SOLD] Jethro Tull Benefit VG VG $1.00
[SOLD] Jethro Tull Living In The Past VG VG $2.00
Jethro Tull Living In The Past VG VG $2.00
[SOLD] Jethro Tull Thick As A Brick G+ VG $1.00
[SOLD] Jethro Tull Thick As A Brick VG G+ $4.00
[SOLD] Jethro Tull The Broadsword And The Beast VG VG $3.00
[SOLD] Jethro Tull Songs From The Wood VG VG $2.00
Jethro Tull Thick As A Brick VG VG $3.00
Jethro Tull Thick As A Brick VG VG $1.50
[SOLD] Jim Croce Photographs & Memories (His Greatest Hits) VG G+ $1.00
Jim Kweskin & The Jug Band Garden Of Joy VG G+ $3.50
Jim Reeves Gentleman Jim $2.00
Jimi Hendrix Rainbow Bridge / Original Motion Picture Sound Track G G $3.00
Jimi Hendrix Crash Landing G+ G+ $4.50
Jimmie Lunceford "Harlem Shout" Vol. 2 (1935-1936) G+ G+ $1.00
Jimmie Spheeris The Dragon Is Dancing G+ G+ $1.00
Joan Armatrading Show Some Emotion $3.00
Joan Baez In Concert G+ G+ $1.35
Joan Baez Farewell, Angelina $3.00
Joe Cocker Mad Dogs & Englishmen VG VG $2.25
Joe Walsh The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get VG VG $2.75
Johann Sebastian Bach, Berliner Philharmoniker St. Matthew Passion $4.00
Johannes Brahms Piano Quintet In F Minor, Op.34 VG+ VG $5.50
Johannes Brahms Piano Trio No. 1 In B Major (Op.8) / Piano Trio No.3 In C Minor (OP.101) VG+ VG $8.50
Johannes Brahms, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau Ein Johannes-Brahms-Liederabend VG G+ $1.00
John Abercrombie, Jan Hammer, Jack DeJohnette Timeless VG G+ $2.10
[SOLD] John Coltrane The Mastery Of John Coltrane / Vol. III Jupiter Variation G+ VG few crackles but sounds incredible $5.25
John Cougar Mellencamp American Fool VG+ VG $1.00
[SOLD] John Lennon & The Plastic Ono Band John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band VG VG $3.00
John Renbourn The Lady And The Unicorn VG VG $3.00
John Renbourn Group The Enchanted Garden VG VG $1.75
John Renbourn Group A Maid In Bedlam VG+ VG+ $2.00
John Robertson And His Multi-Trumpets John Robertson And His Multi-Trumpets $1.00
John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John You're The One That I Want $2.00
Johnny Mathis Merry Christmas G+ VG $0.75
Johnny Mathis More Johnny's Greatest Hits G+ G+ $0.50
Jon Butcher Axis Jon Butcher Axis $2.00
[SOLD] Joni Mitchell The Hissing Of Summer Lawns G+ G+ $1.75
[SOLD] Joni Mitchell Ladies Of The Canyon G+ G+ $0.75
[SOLD] Joni Mitchell For The Roses G+ G+ $1.00
Joni Mitchell Mingus $6.00
[SOLD] Joni Mitchell Shadows And Light VG G+ $3.75
Jose Greco And Company Flamenco Fury G+ G+ $1.00
Joseph Haydn Mass In D Minor: Missa In Angustiis (Nelson Mass) VG VG $0.75
Josh White Live! $5.00
Judy Garland with Freddy Martin And His Orchestra At The Grove VG G+ $1.00
Kevin Johnson Man Of The 20th Century $1.00
[SOLD] King Crimson USA G G+ $4.00
[SOLD] King Crimson Starless And Bible Black VG VG $7.50
Klaatu Klaatu VG+ VG $3.00
Léo Chauliac Et Son Orchestre The Best Of The Beatles $2.00
Lenny White Big City VG VG+ $1.75
[SOLD] Leon Russell Leon Russell And The Shelter People G+ G $0.75
[SOLD] Leon Russell & Marc Benno Asylum Choir II G G $0.50
Leonid Kogan, Rudolf Barshai Kogan And Barshai Play - Vivaldi Rameau Handoshkin VG G+ $1.00
Little Feat The Last Record Album VG VG $2.50
Loggins And Messina Sittin' In VG+ VG $3.00
Loggins And Messina Loggins And Messina G+ VG $0.75
Loggins And Messina The Best Of Friends VG G+ $0.75
London Symphony Orchestra Beyond The Sound Barrier: The Spectacular Sound Of Digital dbx Discs VG+ VG $4.00
Marie Claire Jamet Four Centuries of Music for the Harp VG+ VG $1.25
Mark Holden I Wanna Make You My Lady $2.00
Marshall Tucker Band Running Like The Wind VG VG+ $0.75
Mary Martin, Ezio Pinza, Rodgers & Hammerstein South Pacific With Original Broadway Cast $1.00
Maurice Ravel, Jean Martinon, The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Bolero (Great Ravel Showpieces) VG VG $0.75
Max Steiner Now, Voyager - The Classic Film Scores Of Max Steiner VG VG $0.75
Max Webster Universal Juveniles VG VG $2.00
McKendree Spring 3 VG G+ $1.50
Melos Ensemble Of London, Maurice Ravel Introduction And Allegro / Sonata For Flute, Viola And Harp VG VG $2.00
Michael Franks The Art Of Tea VG VG $1.25
Michael Jackson One Day In Your Life G+ G+ $1.35
Michael White The X Factor VG VG $1.00
Monkees It's Nice To Be With You / D. W. Washburn $3.00
Moon Martin Escape From Domination $3.00
Moravian Festival Chorus And Orchestra Under Thor Martin Johnson The Unknown Century Of American Classical Music (1760-1860) $5.00
Mose Allison Mose Allison Sings $1.00
Mountain Climbing! G G+ $1.00
Mud Oh Boy $1.00
Music Minus One Oklahoma! VG VG $1.00
[SOLD] Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Collection Vol. 3 VG VG $4.00
Neil Diamond Headed For The Future VG VG $1.00
Neil Young & Crazy Horse Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere G+ G+ $3.00
Nektar Recycled VG VG WTSC written on front and back $2.00
New York Pro Musica, Alfonso X El Sabio Spanish Medieval Music $10.00
No Artist Railroad: Sounds Of A Vanishing Era $3.00
No Artist Environments (New Concepts In Stereo Sound - Disc 1) $3.00
Noël Coward The Noel Coward Album VG VG $1.65
Norrie Paramor His Strings And Orchestra In London, In Love $4.00
NSYNC Bye Bye Bye (The Remixes) $3.00
Olivia Newton-John Have You Never Been Mellow G G+ $0.50
Oregon Winter Light VG VG $3.00
Oregon Roots In The Sky G+ VG $1.25
Ottorino Respighi Ancient Airs & Dances VG VG $7.00
Passport Cross-Collateral $3.00
Passport Iguaçu VG VG $1.00
Passport Garden Of Eden VG VG $0.89
Passport Oceanliner VG VG $1.00
Passport Infinity Machine VG VG $5.69
Paul Anka Anka G+ VG $0.75
Paul Anka Paul Anka's 21 Golden Hits G+ VG $1.00
Paul Dukas, Modest Mussorgsky, Maurice Ravel Sorcerer's Apprentice / A Night On Bare Mountain / Rapsodie Espagnole G+ G $1.00
Paul Horn Visions G+ G+ $1.00
Paul Kantner / Jefferson Starship Blows Against The Empire VG VG $1.00
Paul Kantner / Jefferson Starship Blows Against The Empire G+ G+ $0.75
Pearl Chertok Strings Of Pearl G+ G+ $4.00
Pentangle Open The Door VG VG $2.25
Peter, Paul & Mary In The Wind $3.00
[SOLD] Phil Collins ...But Seriously G+ VG $1.00
Philadelphia Brass Ensemble A Festival Of Carols In Brass $1.00
Philip Rambow Shooting Gallery G+ VG $1.00
Placido Domingo With John Denver Perhaps Love $4.00
Pointer Sisters Break Out VG VG $0.75
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - David Oistrach, Eugene Ormandy, The Philadelphia Orchestra Violin Concerto In D G+ G+ $1.25
Racey Some Girls $2.00
Ray Charles The Fabulous Ray Charles G+ G+ $1.75
[SOLD] Ray Charles The Genius Sings The Blues G G+ $2.00
Ray Conniff I Will Survive VG+ VG $2.00
Ray Martin The Sound Of Sight $3.00
Ray Noble and his Orchestra Happy Anniversary $1.00
Ray Price And His The Port Jackson Jazz Band Jazz Classics Vol. 1 $2.00
Relativity Relativity VG VG $1.20
Richard Strauss, Antal Dorati, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra Two Tone Poems - Don Juan, Death And Transfiguration $10.00
Richard Wagner Toscanini Conducts Wagner $5.00
Richard Wagner - Eileen Farrell, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Charles Munch Brunnhilde's Immolation / Tristan And Isolde: Prelude And Liebestod $8.00
Robert Casadesus Robert Casadesus Plays Sonatas by Chopin Mozart & Haydn $1.00
Robert Hall Collins, Ruth Barrett Phelps The Sacred Ministry Of Song $1.00
Robert Schumann / Elisabeth Schwarzkopf - Geoffrey Parsons Frauenliebe Und Leben, Op. 42 / Liederkreis, Op. 39 (Eichendorff) $1.00
Robert Shaw, The Robert Shaw Chorale Christmas Hymns And Carols Volume 1 $1.00
[SOLD] Rod Stewart Atlantic Crossing VG VG $1.00
[SOLD] Rod Stewart Gasoline Alley G+ VG $1.00
[SOLD] Rod Stewart (If Loving You Is Wrong) I Don't Want To Be Right $1.00
Roger McGuinn Cardiff Rose VG VG+ $1.50
Roland Kirk Blacknuss G+ G+ $3.00
Roland Kirk Bright Moments G+ VG $6.00
Rosalie Sorrels Travelin' Lady VG VG $3.50
Rossington Collins Band Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere $2.00
Roxy Music Manifesto $5.00
Roxy Music Flesh + Blood VG VG $2.50
Rubber Rodeo Scenic Views VG VG $1.00
Ruth Welcome Sentimental Zither $1.00
Sally Ann Howes, Terry Carter And Brock Peters Kwamina (Original Broadway Cast) $1.00
[SOLD] Santana Festivál G+ G+ $1.25
[SOLD] Santana Zebop! VG VG $1.00
[SOLD] Santana Caravanseral VG VG $1.25
Sarah Vaughan After Hours With Sarah Vaughan G+ G $2.50
Savoy Brown A Step Further VG VG $3.60
Savoy Brown Blue Matter $10.00
Savoy Brown Street Corner Talking G+ VG $2.75
Seals & Crofts Year Of Sunday $2.00
[SOLD] Seals & Crofts Summer Breeze G+ VG $0.75
Seawind Seawind VG VG $1.00
Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff Piano-Concerto No. 2 In C Minor • 6 Preludes $1.00
Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff Piano-Concerto No. 2 In C Minor Op. 18 $1.00
Shadowfax We Used To Laugh • The Firewalker VG+ VG $1.00
Sigmund Romberg The Student Prince $2.00
Sir Thomas Beecham, The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Richard Strauss Ein Heldenleben (A Hero's Life) $2.00
Skyline Late To Work VG VG $1.00
[SOLD] Soft Machine Seven $5.00
Spandau Ballet Parade VG VG $0.75
Spooky Tooth The Mirror $5.00
Stanley Clarke Journey To Love VG VG $1.25
[SOLD] Steppenwolf Gold (Their Great Hits) VG G+ $1.00
Steve Goodman Somebody Else's Troubles G+ G+ $1.10
Steve Khan Arrows VG+ VG $1.00
Steve Winwood Winwood VG VG $1.50
Steven Halpern Eastern Peace VG+ VG $1.25
Steven Halpern Natural Light VG+ VG+ $2.50
[SOLD] Stevie Wonder Fulfillingness' First Finale VG VG $2.00
[SOLD] Stevie Wonder Talking Book G G+ $1.00
Sting The Dream Of The Blue Turtles VG VG $1.00
Stusick Harp And Instrumental Trio The Stusick Sisters With Mrs. Stanley S. Stusick Harp & Instrumental Trio Autographed $1.00
Styx Cornerstone VG VG $5.00
[SOLD] Supertramp Crisis? What Crisis? VG VG $1.25
[SOLD] Supertramp Crime Of The Century VG VG $2.25
Susanna Mildonian Recital N° 1 $1.00
Susanna Mildonian Recital N° 2 $1.00
[SOLD] Tears For Fears Pale Shelter (You Don't Give Me Love) VG VG $3.75
Ten Years After Ssssh. G+ G+ $1.00
Ten Years After Watt $8.00
The Band Music From Big Pink G+ G+ $8.00
The Beatles Can't Buy Me Love 7" Single (Australian) $7.00
The Beatles I Should Have Known Better 7" Single (Australian) $7.00
The Cars Panorama VG+ VG $1.25
The Don Burrows Quartet At The Sydney Opera House VG G+ $3.00
The Doors Absolutely Live VG G+ $8.50
The Feenjon Group Belly Dancing At The Cafe Feenjon VG+ G+ $1.50
The Gardners Folksongs Far & Near VG VG $1.25
The Georgia Satellites Georgia Satellites VG VG $1.00
The Grass Roots Golden Grass: Their Greatest Hits $3.00
The James Last Band Trumpet À Gogo $1.00
The Melachrino Strings More Music For Dining $1.00
The Melachrino Strings Moods In Music: Music For Reading G G $0.70
The Monkees I Wanna Be Free / You Just May Be The One 7" Single $6.00
The Monkees The Monkees Volume 1 7" EP $20.00
The Monkees She 7" EP $10.00
The Monkees Cuddly Toy 7" EP $12.00
The Monkees A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You/The Girl I Knew Somewhere 7" $8.00
The Monkees Valleri 7" Single $8.00
[SOLD] The Nice Ars Longa Vita Brevis VG G $1.00
[SOLD] ~~The Pretenders Pretenders II G+ G+ $0.75
[SOLD] The Pretenders Pretenders G+ VG $1.00
The Records The Records VG+ VG+ $2.25
The Righteous Brothers The Best Of $2.00
The Robert Shaw Chorale A Mighty Fortress $3.00
The Section Fork It Over G+ G+ $1.25
The Seekers Georgy Girl $2.00
The Stephane Caillat Vocal Quartet The Ronsard Circle $1.00
The Stompers One Heart For Sale VG+ VG $1.25
The Weavers The Best Of The Weavers VG VG $1.00
[SOLD] The Who Live At Leeds G+ G+ with inserts $2.25
[SOLD] The Who Quadrophenia G+ G+ with booklet $5.50
The Who Live At Leeds G+ G+ with inserts $2.25
Three 6 Mafia Presents Project Pat Chickenhead $3.00
Tim Weisberg The Tip Of The Weisberg VG+ VG $1.25
Tommy Bolin Private Eyes VG+ VG $1.50
Tommy Dorsey And His Orchestra This Is Tommy Dorsey $2.00
Tommy Dorsey And His Orchestra, Frank Sinatra I'll See You In My Dreams $2.00
Tony Bennett Just One Of Those Things VG VG $1.00
Traffic Best Of Traffic G G+ $1.00
[SOLD] Triumvirat Spartacus VG G+ $1.00
UK Danger Money VG VG $2.25
Unknown Artist Flick Themes '72 $1.50
Unknown Artist Sound Effects Volume 1 $3.00
Unknown Artist The Art Of Belly Dancing Vol. II VG G $1.00
[SOLD] Uriah Heep Demons And Wizards $6.00
[SOLD] Van Morrison Tupelo Honey G+ G $5.25
Various This Is The Era Of Memorable Song Hits: The Decade Of The 30s $1.00
Various Windham Hill Records Sampler '81 $1.00
Various Windham Hill Records Sampler '81 $1.00
Various Windham Hill Records Sampler '82 $1.00
Various Windham Hill Records Sampler '82 $1.00
Various An Evening With Windham Hill Live VG+ VG $1.00
Various Your Hit Parade - 1951 $1.00
Various Hello Dolly! (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Album) $2.00
Various The Best Disco Album In The World $2.00
Various Favorite Themes From Masterpiece Theatre $2.00
Various Something Festive $3.00
Various Admiral Stereophonic Demonstration Record $5.00
Various Woodstock Two $9.00
Various A Collector's Sondheim $8.00
Various Music For The Jet Set $1.00
Various Russian Folk Dances of the Moiseyev Dance Company $1.00
Various Philharmonic Family Library Of Great Music Album 1 missing outermost sleeve $1.00
Various Nashville's Greatest Instrumentalists Volume II $1.00
Various Saturday Night Fever (The Original Movie Sound Track) G VG $0.75
Various Joyride (Original Motion Picture) NM VG still in shrink wrap $1.25
Vladimir Horowitz Sonata In B-Flat Minor (Piano Music Of Chopin And Liszt) $1.00
[SOLD] Weather Report Mysterious Traveller VG+ VG+ $1.50
[SOLD] Weather Report Tale Spinnin' VG VG $1.50
Weather Report Mr. Gone VG VG $1.00
Weather Report Mr. Gone VG+ VG $1.50
[SOLD] Weather Report Night Passage VG VG $1.50
[SOLD] Weather Report Black Market VG VG $2.00
Wings London Town G G $0.75
[SOLD] Wishbone Ash Pilgrimage VG VG $3.50
submitted by jamesmurray34 to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

[For Sale] Over 600 records, many different genres. Lowered a lot of prices. Willing to move on prices. Must go

PM me for requests on condition. I am in the Boston area and can only ship to the US minus Alaska and Hawaii. Shipping is $5 plus $.50 for each record. Also, I am open to trades so feel free to look at my Discogs wantlist
A lot of the times I have not priced correctly and have more records than I need. Please ask questions, and deals will be made.
"Annie" Original Cast Annie (Original Cast Recording) $0.50 G+/VG+
1776 Original Broadway Cast 1776 - A New Musical $1.00
50 Cent In Da Club $4.00 VG/Generic
ABC The Lexicon Of Love $4.00
Aerosmith Aerosmith $8.00
Aerosmith Rocks $8.00
Aerosmith Aerosmith $8.00
Aerosmith Aerosmith $8.00
Al Di Meola Elegant Gypsy $2.00
Al Di Meola Casino $3.00
Al Di Meola Electric Rendezvous $3.00
Alan Parsons Project The Turn Of A Friendly Card $2.00
Alan Parsons Project I Robot $3.00
Alan Parsons Project Eye In The Sky $3.00 VG+/VG+
Alan Parsons Project Eye In The Sky $3.00 VG+/VG+
Aldo Nova Aldo Nova $3.00
Alex North The Sound And The Fury $9.00
Alex Taylor With Friends And Neighbors $3.00
Alexis Weissenberg Sonatas No. 62 In E-flat / No. 50 In D / No. 33 In C Minor $5.00
Alice Cooper Love It To Death $5.00 G/G
Alice Cooper Killer $3.50 G+/VG
Alice Cooper Billion Dollar Babies $12.00
Ambrosia Somewhere I've Never Travelled $4.00 VG/VG
Ambrosia Life Beyond L.A. $4.00
Ambrosia Road Island $4.00
Ambrosia Ambrosia $3.00 VG/VG
America Hat Trick $1.50
America Holiday $1.50
America History · America's Greatest Hits $1.50
America Silent Letter $1.50
America Alibi $1.50
America America $2.00
America Live $2.00
André Previn Trio The Light Fantastic, A Tribute To Fred Astaire $2.00
Andreas Vollenweider White Winds $2.00
Andrew Gold Whirlwind $3.00
Andy Williams Alone Again (Naturally) $2.00
Aretha Franklin Hey Now Hey (The Other Side Of The Sky) $6.00
Armageddon Armageddon $10.00
Arthur Rubinstein The Chopin Ballades $3.00
Arthur Rubinstein Artur Rubinstein - Chopin $5.00
Artie Shaw This Is Artie Shaw $3.00
Atlanta Rhythm Section Red Tape $3.00
Audrey Hepburn And Rex Harrison My Fair Lady - Soundtrack $4.00
Aztec Two-Step Aztec Two-Step $1.50
Aztec Two-Step Second Step $1.50
Aztec Two-Step Adjoining Suites $1.50
Aztec Two-Step Two's Company $1.50
B-52's Mesopotamia $6.00
Ballet Folklorico De Mexico Ballet Folklorico De Mexico $4.00
Bananarama Bananarama $3.00
Barbara Mandrell / Lee Greenwood Meant For Each Other $1.00
Barbra Streisand The Way We Were $1.00
Barbra Streisand Stoney End $1.50
Barbra Streisand A Happening In Central Park $1.50
Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand's Greatest Hits $1.50
Barbra Streisand My Name Is Barbra, Two... $1.50
Barbra Streisand A Christmas Album $1.50
Barbra Streisand Streisand Superman $1.50
Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand's Greatest Hits - Volume 2 $1.50
Barbra Streisand Memories $1.50
Barbra Streisand The Broadway Album $3.00
Barry Manilow Live $2.00
Beatles Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da $7.00 Australian Pressing/ Generic Cover G+
Beatles Magical Mystery Tour $7.00 Australia Pressing/Generic Cover G+
Bee Gees Here At Last - Live $5.00
Belinda Carlisle Belinda $1.00
Benny Mardones Never Run Never Hide $5.00
Berlin Pleasure Victim $4.00
Beverly Sill Music Of Victor Herbert $1.00
Billy Cobham The Best Of Billy Cobham $3.00
Billy Cobham Spectrum $4.00
Billy Cobham Life & Times $4.00
Billy Cobham Crosswinds $6.00
Billy Joel Greatest Hits Volume I & Volume II $18.00
Billy Squier The Tale Of The Tape $5.00
Billy Vaughn Sukiyaka $2.00
Bob & Doug McKenzie Great White North $4.00
[SOLD] Bob Dylan Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits $5.00 G++/VG
Bob James Touchdown $1.00
Bob James Lucky Seven $2.00
Bonnie Raitt Sweet Forgiveness $2.00
Bonnie Raitt Sweet Forgiveness $2.00
Bonnie Raitt Give It Up $4.00
Boz Scaggs & Band Boz Scaggs & Band $3.00
Brand X Unorthodox Behaviour $2.00
Brand X Unorthodox Behaviour $2.00
Brand X Livestock $3.00
Brand X Moroccan Roll $3.00
Brand X Product $3.00
Brothers Four The Big Folk Hits $1.00
Bruce Cockburn Further Adventures Of $2.00
Bryan Adams Reckless $4.00
Bubba Sparxxx Ms. New Booty $3.00
Buffy Sainte-Marie Little Wheel Spin And Spin $3.00
Burl Ives Burl Ives Sings Little White Duck And Other Children's Favorites $1.00
Burt Bacharach Plays His Hits $1.00
Byrds (Untitled) $5.00
Canned Heat Human Condition $4.00
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach The Harp $1.00
Carlos Santana The Swing Of Delight $3.00
Carly Simon Boys In The Trees $3.00
Carol Channing, Florence Henderson The Great Stars of Broadway $1.00
Caswell Carnahan Borderlands $3.00
Cat Stevens Cat Stevens' Buddha And The Chocolate Box $7.00
Cate Bros. Band Cate Bros. Band $4.00
Charlie Musselwhite Louisiana Fog $8.00
Charlie Parker Birdology $4.00 VG/VG
Cher The Shoop Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss) $2.00
Chicago Chicago V $5.00
Chicago Chicago IX Chicago's Greatest Hits $5.00
Chicago Chicago III $4.00
Chris de Burgh Into The Light $2.00
Chuck Mangione Main Squeeze $3.00
Chuck Mangione Encore - The Chuck Mangione Concerts $2.00
Clannad Magical Ring $3.00
Clannad Crann Ull $4.00
Cleveland Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski Debussy: La Mer (The Sea) $0.50 G/G
Climax Blues Band 1969 / 1972 $6.00
Cooper Brothers Cooper Brothers $3.00
Cream Goodbye $8.00
Cream Goodbye $8.00
Crosby & Nash Graham Nash David Crosby $3.00
Crosby, Stills & Nash Daylight Again $3.00
Crosby, Stills & Nash Crosby, Stills & Nash $4.00
Crosby, Stills & Nash Crosby, Stills & Nash $4.00
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young 4 Way Street $3.00
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young 4 Way Street $3.00
Crusaders Street Life $2.00
Crusaders Southern Comfort $3.00
Dan Fogelberg Captured Angel $2.00
Dan Fogelberg Nether Lands $2.00
Dan Fogelberg Phoenix $2.00
Dan Fogelberg The Innocent Age $2.00
Dan Fogelberg Windows And Walls $2.00
Daniel Adni, Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Kenneth Alwyn Music From Films For Piano & Orchestra $2.00
Danny Guglielmi Adventure In Sound $15.00
David Crosby If I Could Only Remember My Name $3.00 VG/G
David Merrick And Leland Hayward Gypsy - A Musical Fable $1.00
David Qualey Soliloquy $4.00
David Riordan Medicine Wheel $2.00
David Sanborn A Change Of Heart $2.00
David Shire Baby $2.00
David Soul Playing To An Audience Of One $2.00
David Werner David Werner $3.00
Dexter Wansel What The World Is Coming To $4.00
Diana Ross All The Great Hits $3.00
Diana Ross & The Supremes Sessions Presents Diana Ross & The Supremes $3.00
Dick Hyman And His Orchestra Provocative Piano $3.00
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau Lieder Von Debussy Und Ravel $2.00
Dire Straits Love Over Gold $7.00
Dixie Dregs What If $2.00
Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt & Emmylou Harris Trio $5.00
Don Burrows Duo $2.00
Donna Summer Live And More $1.50
Donna Summer On The Radio - Greatest Hits Vol. I & II $2.00
Dragon Body And The Beat $4.00
Earl Klugh Dream Come True $1.50
Eddie Kochak Strictly Belly Dancing (Ya Habibi #2) $3.00
Eddie Kochak Strictly Belly Dancing Vol. 3 $3.00
Electric Light Orchestra / Olivia Newton-John Xanadu - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack $4.50
Elias Rahbani Mosaic Of The Orient (Näi, Buzuk & Guitar) $145.00
[SOLD] Ella Fitzgerald Ella In Hollywood $6.00
Elton John Caribou $3.00
Elton John Tumbleweed Connection $3.00 G+/G+
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Emerson, Lake & Palmer $4.00
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Emerson, Lake & Palmer $4.00
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Tarkus $5.00 Emerson, Lake & Palmer Pictures At An Exhibition $5.00
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Trilogy $5.00
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Brain Salad Surgery $5.00
Engelbert Humperdinck Just For You $2.50
Engelbert Humperdinck Just For You $2.50
Enoch Light And His Orchestra Stereo 35/MM $3.00
Eugene Ormandy And The Philadelphia Orchestra Symphony No. 1 In C Minor $1.00
Eugene Ormandy And The Philadelphia Orchestra Christmas $3.00
Evelyn King Music Box $4.00
Everything But The Girl Love Not Money $4.00
[SOLD]Everything But The Girl The Language Of Life $5.00
Faces A Nod Is As Good As A Wink...To A Blind Horse (Includes poster) $18.00 VG/G
Fairground Attraction The First Of A Million Kisses $6.00
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Sonatas For Cello And Piano $2.00
Felix Slatkin Charge ! $4.00
Foghat Foghat $7.00
Foghat Boogie Motel $4.00
Franz Schubert, Amadeus-Quartett Quatuors À Cordes En La Mineur Et En Sol Mineur $1.00
Gary Brooker (No More) Fear Of Flying $3.00
Gene Watson Heartaches, Love & Stuff $2.00
Genesis Genesis $4.00
Genesis A Trick Of The Tail $6.00
Gentle Giant The Power And The Glory $6.00
Gentle Giant Free Hand $15.00
George Abdo And His "Flames Of Araby" Orchestra Belly Dance Music $3.00
George Abdo And His "Flames Of Araby" Orchestra The Art Of Belly Dancing $3.00
George Abdo And His "Flames Of Araby" Orchestra The Joy Of Belly Dancing $3.00
George Abdo And His "Flames Of Araby" Orchestra Belly Dancing With George Abdo $3.00
George Benson Give Me The Night $4.00
George Benson The Other Side Of Abbey Road $9.00
George Carlin FM & AM $5.00
George Gershwin Rhapsody In Blue And Porgy And Bess $1.00
George Harrison George Harrison $7.00
Giacomo Puccini La Bohème $1.00
Gian Carlo Menotti Amahl and the Night Visitors $4.00
Gian Carlo Menotti Amahl And The Night Visitors $4.00
Gilbert & Sullivan The Mikado $3.00
Glenn Frey No Fun Aloud $2.00
Gordon Michaels Stargazer $5.00
Grover Washington, Jr. Paradise $5.00
Grover Washington, Jr. All The King's Horses $6.00
Harry Chapin Dance Band On The Titanic $2.00
Harry Chapin Sequel $2.00
Heart Heart $2.00
Heart Dreamboat Annie $7.00
Herb Alpert Rise / Aranjuez (Mon Amour) $2.00
Herb Alpert Rise $11.00
Herbie Hancock The Best Of Herbie Hancock $6.00
Hilton Kean Jones Hilton Kean Jones' Eastmontage And Performances By Eastman School Of Music Student Ensembles $10.00
Holly Near Imagine My Surprise! $2.00
Holly Near, Arlo Guthrie Harp $1.50
Huey Lewis & The News Sports $2.00
Humble Pie Performance: Rockin' The Fillmore $6.00
Ian Thomas Riders On Dark Horses $4.50
Igor Stravinsky Stravinsky Conducts Histoire Du Soldat Suite: Pulcinella Suite $4.00
[SOLD] Inner Circle Bad Boys (Theme From Cops) $4.00
It's A Beautiful Day It's A Beautiful Day $7.00
Jackie Gleason Jackie Gleason Presents The Torch With The Blue Flame $2.00
Jackson Browne Lawyers In Love $2.00
Jaime Brockett Remember The Wind And The Rain $4.00 VG/VG-
Jake Walton The Gloaming Grey $1.00
James Gang Yer' Album $9.00
James Last Guitar À Gogo $1.00
James Levine Conducts Johannes Brahms, The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Symphony No. 1 $4.00
James Taylor Flag $2.00
James Taylor Dad Loves His Work $2.00
Jane Olivor The Best Side Of Goodbye $2.00
Jean-Pierre Rampal / Claude Bolling Suite For Flute And Jazz Piano $2.00
Jean-Pierre Rampal / Lily Laskine Music For Flute And Harp $2.00
Jeff Beck Wired $6.00
Jeff Beck Wired $3.00
Jeff Lass Conversations With Bill Evans $1.00
Jeff Wayne Jeff Wayne's Musical Version Of The War Of The Worlds $4.00
Jefferson Airplane Early Flight $4.00
Jerome Kern Roberta $1.00
Jesse Colin Young Song For Juli $4.00
Jesse Winchester Jesse Winchester $4.00
Jethro Tull Benefit $3.00
Jethro Tull Living In The Past $4.00
Jethro Tull Living In The Past $4.00
Jethro Tull Thick As A Brick $4.00
Jethro Tull Thick As A Brick $4.00
Jethro Tull The Broadsword And The Beast $6.00 VG+/VG+
Jethro Tull My God! $7.00
Jethro Tull Songs From The Wood $6.00 VG+/VG
Jethro Tull Thick As A Brick $4.00
Jethro Tull Thick As A Brick $4.00
Jim Croce Photographs & Memories (His Greatest Hits) $5.00
Jim Kweskin & The Jug Band Garden Of Joy $6.00
Jim Reeves Gentleman Jim $2.00
Jimi Hendrix Rainbow Bridge / Original Motion Picture Sound Track $4.00 G/G
[SOLD] Jimi Hendrix Band Of Gypsys $20.00
Jimmie Lunceford "Harlem Shout" Vol. 2 (1935-1936) $4.00
Jimmie Spheeris The Dragon Is Dancing $6.00
Joan Armatrading Show Some Emotion $3.00
Joan Baez In Concert $3.00
Joan Baez Farewell, Angelina $3.00
Joe Cocker Mad Dogs & Englishmen $6.00
Joe Walsh The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get $5.00 VG/VG
Johann Sebastian Bach, Berliner Philharmoniker St. Matthew Passion $4.00
Johannes Brahms Piano Quintet In F Minor, Op.34 $5.00
Johannes Brahms Piano Trio No. 1 In B Major (Op.8) / Piano Trio No.3 In C Minor (OP.101) $10.00
Johannes Brahms, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau Ein Johannes-Brahms-Liederabend $3.00
John Abercrombie, Jan Hammer, Jack DeJohnette Timeless $6.00 VG/VG
John Coltrane The Mastery Of John Coltrane / Vol. III Jupiter Variation $10.00 VG/VG+ plays great
John Cougar Mellencamp American Fool $2.00
John Lennon & The Plastic Ono Band John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band $20.00
John Renbourn The Lady And The Unicorn $6.00
John Renbourn Group The Enchanted Garden $5.00
John Renbourn Group A Maid In Bedlam $5.00
John Robertson And His Multi-Trumpets John Robertson And His Multi-Trumpets $1.00
John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John You're The One That I Want $2.00
Johnny Mathis Merry Christmas $4.00
Johnny Mathis More Johnny's Greatest Hits $2.00
Jon Butcher Axis Jon Butcher Axis $2.00
Joni Mitchell The Hissing Of Summer Lawns $5.00
Joni Mitchell Ladies Of The Canyon $6.00
Joni Mitchell For The Roses $6.00
Joni Mitchell Mingus $6.00
Joni Mitchell Shadows And Light $7.00
Jose Greco And Company Flamenco Fury $1.00
Joseph Haydn Mass In D Minor: Missa In Angustiis (Nelson Mass) $1.00
Josh White Live! $5.00
Judy Garland with Freddy Martin And His Orchestra At The Grove $3.00
[SOLD] Kate Bush The Whole Story $4.00 VG+/VG+
Kevin Johnson Man Of The 20th Century $1.00
King Crimson USA $20.00
King Crimson Starless And Bible Black $22.00
Kitaro My Best $3.00
Klaatu Klaatu $3.00 VG+/VG
Léo Chauliac Et Son Orchestre The Best Of The Beatles $2.00
Larry Carlton Larry Carlton $3.00
Lenny White Big City $6.00
Leon Russell Leon Russell And The Shelter People $8.00
Leon Russell & Marc Benno Asylum Choir II $8.00
Leonid Kogan, Rudolf Barshai Kogan And Barshai Play - Vivaldi Rameau Handoshkin $1.00
Lisa Stansfield Affection $3.00
Little Feat Sailin' Shoes $4.00
Little Feat The Last Record Album $5.00
Loggins And Messina Sittin' In $6.00
Loggins And Messina Loggins And Messina $3.00
Loggins And Messina The Best Of Friends $2.00
London Symphony Orchestra Beyond The Sound Barrier: The Spectacular Sound Of Digital dbx Discs $7.00
Luciano Pavarotti, National Philharmonic Orchestra, Kurt Herbert Adler O Holy Night $1.00
Mark Holden I Wanna Make You My Lady $2.00
Marshall Tucker Band Running Like The Wind $4.00
Mary Martin, Ezio Pinza, Rodgers & Hammerstein South Pacific With Original Broadway Cast $1.00
Maurice Ravel, Jean Martinon, The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Bolero (Great Ravel Showpieces) $1.00
Max Steiner Now, Voyager - The Classic Film Scores Of Max Steiner $2.00
Max Webster Universal Juveniles $5.00
McKendree Spring 3 $3.00
Melanie Candles In The Rain $4.00
Melos Ensemble Of London, Maurice Ravel Introduction And Allegro / Sonata For Flute, Viola And Harp $3.00
Michael Franks The Art Of Tea $4.00
Michael Jackson One Day In Your Life $4.00
Michael Martin Murphey Blue Sky · Night Thunder $3.00
Michael White The X Factor $4.00
Monkees It's Nice To Be With You / D. W. Washburn $3.00
Moon Martin Escape From Domination $3.00
Moravian Festival Chorus And Orchestra Under Thor Martin Johnson The Unknown Century Of American Classical Music (1760-1860) $5.00
Mose Allison Mose Allison Sings $1.00
Mountain Climbing! $14.00
Mrs. Mills I'm Mighty Glad $1.00
Mud Oh Boy $1.00
Music Minus One Oklahoma! $1.00
Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Collection Vol. 3 $2.00
Neil Diamond Headed For The Future $5.00
[SOLD] Neil Young Harvest $6.50
Neil Young & Crazy Horse Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere $14.00
Nektar A Tab In The Ocean $5.00
Nektar Recycled $13.00
New World Theatre Orchestra South Pacific / Oklahoma $1.00
New York Pro Musica, Alfonso X El Sabio Spanish Medieval Music $10.00
No Artist Railroad: Sounds Of A Vanishing Era $3.00
No Artist Environments (New Concepts In Stereo Sound - Disc 1) $3.00
Noël Coward The Noel Coward Album $5.00
Norrie Paramor His Strings And Orchestra In London, In Love $4.00
NSYNC Bye Bye Bye (The Remixes) $3.00
Oingo Boingo Oingo Boingo $10.00 VG/VG
Oingo Boingo Boingo Alive (Celebration Of A Decade 1979-1988) $25.00
Oingo Boingo Dead Man's Party $13.00
Olivia Newton-John Have You Never Been Mellow $3.00
Oregon Winter Light $5.00
Oregon Roots In The Sky $5.00
Ottorino Respighi Ancient Airs & Dances $7.00
Passport Cross-Collateral $3.00
Passport Iguaçu $3.00
Passport Garden Of Eden $3.00
Passport Oceanliner $4.00
Passport Infinity Machine $8.00
Pat Benatar Precious Time $2.00
Pat Benatar Crimes Of Passion $4.00
Paul Anka Anka $4.00
Paul Anka Paul Anka's 21 Golden Hits $1.00
Paul Dukas, Modest Mussorgsky, Maurice Ravel Sorcerer's Apprentice / A Night On Bare Mountain / Rapsodie Espagnole $0.50 G/G
Paul Horn Visions $5.00
Paul Horn Inside $7.00
Paul Kantner / Jefferson Starship Blows Against The Empire $2.00 VG/VG
Paul Kantner / Jefferson Starship Blows Against The Empire $2.00
Pearl Chertok Strings Of Pearl $15.00
Pentangle Open The Door $6.00
Peter, Paul & Mary In The Wind $3.00
Philadelphia Brass Ensemble A Festival Of Carols In Brass $1.00
Philip Rambow Shooting Gallery $5.00
[SOLD] Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here $7.00
Placido Domingo With John Denver Perhaps Love $4.00
Pointer Sisters Break Out $3.00
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - David Oistrach, Eugene Ormandy, The Philadelphia Orchestra Violin Concerto In D $4.00
Racey Some Girls $2.00
Ray Charles The Fabulous Ray Charles $2.00
Ray Charles The Greatest! $5.00
Ray Charles The Genius Sings The Blues $5.00
Ray Conniff I Will Survive $3.00
Ray Martin The Sound Of Sight $3.00
Ray Noble and his Orchestra Happy Anniversary $1.00
Ray Price And His The Port Jackson Jazz Band Jazz Classics Vol. 1 $2.00
Relativity Relativity $4.00
Richard Pryor That Nigger's Crazy $7.50
Richard Strauss, Antal Dorati, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra Two Tone Poems - Don Juan, Death And Transfiguration $10.00
Richard Wagner Toscanini Conducts Wagner $5.00
Richard Wagner - Eileen Farrell, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Charles Munch Brunnhilde's Immolation / Tristan And Isolde: Prelude And Liebestod $8.00
Robert Casadesus Robert Casadesus Plays Sonatas by Chopin Mozart & Haydn $1.00
Robert Hall Collins, Ruth Barrett Phelps The Sacred Ministry Of Song $1.00
Robert Schumann / Elisabeth Schwarzkopf - Geoffrey Parsons Frauenliebe Und Leben, Op. 42 / Liederkreis, Op. 39 (Eichendorff) $1.00
Robert Shaw, The Robert Shaw Chorale Christmas Hymns And Carols Volume 1 $1.00
Roberta Flack Killing Me Softly $5.00
Rod Stewart Atlantic Crossing $5.00
Rod Stewart Gasoline Alley $8.00
Rod Stewart (If Loving You Is Wrong) I Don't Want To Be Right $1.00
Rodgers & Hammerstein The Sound Of Music (An Original Soundtrack Recording) $1.00 G/G
Roger McGuinn Cardiff Rose $3.00
Roland Kirk Blacknuss $7.00 VG/VG
Roland Kirk Bright Moments $7.00 VG/VG
Rosalie Sorrels Travelin' Lady $6.00
Rossington Collins Band Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere $2.00
Roxy Music Manifesto $5.00
Roxy Music Flesh + Blood $5.00
Rubber Rodeo Scenic Views $3.00
Rush Caress Of Steel $10.00
Ruth Welcome Sentimental Zither $1.00
Sally Ann Howes, Terry Carter And Brock Peters Kwamina (Original Broadway Cast) $1.00
Santana Festivál $6.00
Santana Zebop! $6.00
Sarah Vaughan After Hours With Sarah Vaughan $10.00
Savoy Brown A Step Further $6.00
Savoy Brown Blue Matter $10.00
Savoy Brown Street Corner Talking $10.00
Seals & Crofts Year Of Sunday $2.00
Seals & Crofts Summer Breeze $2.00
Seawind Seawind $3.00
Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff Piano-Concerto No. 2 In C Minor • 6 Preludes $1.00
Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff Piano-Concerto No. 2 In C Minor Op. 18 $1.00
Shadowfax We Used To Laugh • The Firewalker $1.00
Sigmund Romberg The Student Prince $2.00
Sir Thomas Beecham, The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Richard Strauss Ein Heldenleben (A Hero's Life) $2.00
Skyline Late To Work $5.00
Soft Machine Seven $8.00
Spandau Ballet Parade $3.00
Spooky Tooth The Mirror $5.00
Stanley Clarke Journey To Love $5.00
Steppenwolf Gold (Their Great Hits) $3.00
Steve Goodman Somebody Else's Troubles $3.00
Steve Khan Arrows $3.00
Steve Winwood Winwood $4.00
Steven Halpern Eastern Peace $4.00
Steven Halpern Natural Light $4.00
Stevie Wonder Fulfillingness' First Finale $7.00
Sting The Dream Of The Blue Turtles $5.00
Stusick Harp And Instrumental Trio The Stusick Sisters With Mrs. Stanley S. Stusick Harp & Instrumental Trio $1.00
Styx Cornerstone $5.00
Supertramp Crisis? What Crisis? $6.00
Supertramp Crime Of The Century $8.00
Susanna Mildonian Recital N° 1 $1.00
Susanna Mildonian Recital N° 2 $1.00
Talking Heads Stop Making Sense $13.00
Tears For Fears Pale Shelter (You Don't Give Me Love) $10.00
Ten Years After Ssssh. $3.00 VG/VG
Ten Years After Ssssh. $3.00
Ten Years After Watt $8.00
The Band Music From Big Pink $7.00 G+/G+
The Cars Shake It Up $6.00
The Cars Candy-O $10.00
The Cars Panorama $4.00
The Doors The Soft Parade $10.00
The Feenjon Group Belly Dancing At The Cafe Feenjon $4.00
The Gardners Folksongs Far & Near $3.00
The Georgia Satellites Georgia Satellites $3.00
The Grass Roots Golden Grass: Their Greatest Hits $3.00
[SOLD] The Grateful Dead American Beauty $6.00 G+/G
The James Last Band Trumpet À Gogo $1.00
The Melachrino Strings More Music For Dining $1.00
The Melachrino Strings Moods In Music: Music For Reading $2.00
The Nice Ars Longa Vita Brevis $4.00
The Osmonds The Proud One $2.00
[SOLD] The Police Zenyatta Mondatta $3.00 VG/VG
[SOLD] The Police Ghost In The Machine $1.00 G/G
The Pretenders Pretenders II $3.00
The Pretenders Pretenders $3.00
The Records The Records $4.00
The Righteous Brothers The Best Of $2.00
The Robert Shaw Chorale A Mighty Fortress $3.00
The Section Fork It Over $4.00
The Seekers Georgy Girl $2.00
The Stephane Caillat Vocal Quartet The Ronsard Circle $1.00
The Stompers One Heart For Sale $4.00
The Weavers The Best Of The Weavers $3.00
The Who Live At Leeds $6.00
The Who Live At Leeds $6.00 (Both have inserts)
The Who Quadrophenia $6.00
Three 6 Mafia Presents Project Pat Chickenhead $3.00
Tim Weisberg The Tip Of The Weisberg $4.00
Todd Rundgren A Wizard, A True Star $7.00
Tommy Bolin Private Eyes $5.00
Tommy Dorsey And His Orchestra This Is Tommy Dorsey $2.00
Tommy Dorsey And His Orchestra, Frank Sinatra I'll See You In My Dreams $2.00
Traffic Best Of Traffic $7.00
Triumvirat Spartacus $2.00
UK Danger Money $5.00
Unknown Artist Flick Themes '72 $1.50
Unknown Artist Sound Effects Volume 1 $3.00
Unknown Artist The Art Of Belly Dancing Vol. II $6.00
Uriah Heep Demons And Wizards $6.00
Usher U Remind Me $2.00
Van Morrison Tupelo Honey $4.50 G+/G+
Various This Is The Era Of Memorable Song Hits: The Decade Of The 30s $1.00
Various Windham Hill Records Sampler '81 $1.00
Various Windham Hill Records Sampler '81 $1.00
Various Windham Hill Records Sampler '82 $1.00
Various Windham Hill Records Sampler '82 $1.00
Various An Evening With Windham Hill Live $1.00
Various Your Hit Parade - 1951 $1.00
Various Hello Dolly! (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Album) $2.00
Various The Best Disco Album In The World $2.00
Various Favorite Themes From Masterpiece Theatre $2.00
Various Something Festive $3.00
Various Propaganda $3.00
Various Pippin $4.00
Various Admiral Stereophonic Demonstration Record $5.00
Various Woodstock Two $9.00
Various Woodstock - Music From The Original Soundtrack And More $10.00
Various A Collector's Sondheim $8.00
Various Music For The Jet Set $1.00
Various Russian Folk Dances of the Moiseyev Dance Company $1.00
Various Philharmonic Family Library Of Great Music Album 1 $1.00
Various Nashville's Greatest Instrumentalists Volume II $1.00
Various Saturday Night Fever (The Original Movie Sound Track) $3.00
Vladimir Horowitz Sonata In B-Flat Minor (Piano Music Of Chopin And Liszt) $1.00
Weather Report Mysterious Traveller $5.00
Weather Report Tale Spinnin' $5.00
Weather Report Mr. Gone $5.00
Weather Report Mr. Gone $5.00
Weather Report Night Passage $5.00
Weather Report Black Market $15.00
Whitney Houston Whitney Houston $3.00
Willie Nelson & Family Honeysuckle Rose (Music From The Original Soundtrack) $10.00
Wings London Town $7.00
Wishbone Ash Pilgrimage $15.00
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart The Two Flute Concertos For Flute & Orchestra $1.00
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet Concerto, K. 622 / Clarinet Quintet, K. 581 $1.00
Woody Guthrie Woody Guthrie $6.00
submitted by jamesmurray34 to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

[For Sale] Huge collection, no prices are firm. I need to get rid of much of my collection as possible!

PM me for conditions. Can only ship to the US minus Alaska and Hawaii. Shipping is $5 plus $.50 for each record. Also, I am open to trades so feel free to look at my Discogs wantlist
A lot of the times I have priced too high and have more records than I need, so please ask questions and deals will be made.
"Annie" Original Cast Annie (Original Cast Recording) $0.50 G+/VG+
1776 Original Broadway Cast 1776 - A New Musical $1.00
[SOLD] 50 Cent In Da Club $4.00 VG/Generic
ABC The Lexicon Of Love $4.00
[SOLD] Aerosmith Aerosmith $8.00
Aerosmith Rocks $8.00
Aerosmith Aerosmith $8.00
Aerosmith Aerosmith $8.00
Al Di Meola Elegant Gypsy $2.00
Al Di Meola Casino $3.00
Al Di Meola Electric Rendezvous $3.00
Alan Parsons Project The Turn Of A Friendly Card $2.00
Alan Parsons Project I Robot $3.00
Alan Parsons Project Eye In The Sky $3.00 VG+/VG+
Alan Parsons Project Eye In The Sky $3.00 VG+/VG+
Aldo Nova Aldo Nova $3.00
Alex North The Sound And The Fury $9.00
Alex Taylor With Friends And Neighbors $3.00
Alexis Weissenberg Sonatas No. 62 In E-flat / No. 50 In D / No. 33 In C Minor $5.00
Alice Cooper Love It To Death $5.00 G/G
[SOLD] Alice Cooper Killer $3.50 G+/VG
Alice Cooper Billion Dollar Babies $12.00
[SOLD] Ambrosia Somewhere I've Never Travelled $4.00 VG/VG
[SOLD] Ambrosia Life Beyond L.A. $4.00
[SOLD] Ambrosia Road Island $4.00
[SOLD] Ambrosia Ambrosia $3.00 VG/VG
America Hat Trick $1.50
America Holiday $1.50
America History · America's Greatest Hits $1.50
America Silent Letter $1.50
America Alibi $1.50
America America $2.00
America Live $2.00
André Previn Trio The Light Fantastic, A Tribute To Fred Astaire $2.00
Andreas Vollenweider White Winds $2.00
Andrew Gold Whirlwind $3.00
Andy Williams Alone Again (Naturally) $2.00
Aretha Franklin Hey Now Hey (The Other Side Of The Sky) $6.00
Armageddon Armageddon $10.00
Arthur Rubinstein The Chopin Ballades $3.00
Arthur Rubinstein Artur Rubinstein - Chopin $5.00
Artie Shaw This Is Artie Shaw $3.00
Atlanta Rhythm Section Red Tape $3.00
Audrey Hepburn And Rex Harrison My Fair Lady - Soundtrack $4.00
Aztec Two-Step Aztec Two-Step $1.50
Aztec Two-Step Second Step $1.50
Aztec Two-Step Adjoining Suites $1.50
Aztec Two-Step Two's Company $1.50
B-52's Mesopotamia $6.00
Ballet Folklorico De Mexico Ballet Folklorico De Mexico $4.00
Bananarama Bananarama $3.00
Barbara Mandrell / Lee Greenwood Meant For Each Other $1.00
Barbra Streisand The Way We Were $1.00
Barbra Streisand Stoney End $1.50
Barbra Streisand A Happening In Central Park $1.50
Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand's Greatest Hits $1.50
Barbra Streisand My Name Is Barbra, Two... $1.50
Barbra Streisand A Christmas Album $1.50
Barbra Streisand Streisand Superman $1.50
Barbra Streisand Barbra Streisand's Greatest Hits - Volume 2 $1.50
Barbra Streisand Memories $1.50
Barbra Streisand The Broadway Album $3.00
Barry Manilow Live $2.00
Beatles Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da $7.00 Australian Pressing/ Generic Cover G+
Beatles Magical Mystery Tour $7.00 Australia Pressing/Generic Cover G+
Bee Gees Here At Last - Live $5.00
Belinda Carlisle Belinda $1.00
Benny Mardones Never Run Never Hide $5.00
Berlin Pleasure Victim $4.00
Beverly Sill Music Of Victor Herbert $1.00
Billy Cobham The Best Of Billy Cobham $3.00
Billy Cobham Spectrum $4.00
Billy Cobham Life & Times $4.00
Billy Cobham Crosswinds $6.00
Billy Joel Greatest Hits Volume I & Volume II $18.00
Billy Squier The Tale Of The Tape $5.00
Billy Vaughn Sukiyaka $2.00
Bob & Doug McKenzie Great White North $4.00
[SOLD] Bob Dylan Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits $5.00 G++/VG
Bob James Touchdown $1.00
Bob James Lucky Seven $2.00
Bonnie Raitt Sweet Forgiveness $2.00
Bonnie Raitt Sweet Forgiveness $2.00
Bonnie Raitt Give It Up $4.00
Boz Scaggs & Band Boz Scaggs & Band $3.00
Brand X Unorthodox Behaviour $2.00
Brand X Unorthodox Behaviour $2.00
Brand X Livestock $3.00
Brand X Moroccan Roll $3.00
Brand X Product $3.00
Brothers Four The Big Folk Hits $1.00
Bruce Cockburn Further Adventures Of $2.00
Bryan Adams Reckless $4.00
Bubba Sparxxx Ms. New Booty $3.00
Buffy Sainte-Marie Little Wheel Spin And Spin $3.00
Burl Ives Burl Ives Sings Little White Duck And Other Children's Favorites $1.00
Burt Bacharach Plays His Hits $1.00
Byrds (Untitled) $5.00
Canned Heat Human Condition $4.00
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach The Harp $1.00
Carlos Santana The Swing Of Delight $3.00
Carly Simon Boys In The Trees $3.00
Carol Channing, Florence Henderson The Great Stars of Broadway $1.00
Caswell Carnahan Borderlands $3.00
Cat Stevens Cat Stevens' Buddha And The Chocolate Box $7.00
Cate Bros. Band Cate Bros. Band $4.00
Charlie Musselwhite Louisiana Fog $8.00
Charlie Parker Birdology $4.00 VG/VG
Cher The Shoop Shoop Song (It's In His Kiss) $2.00
Chicago Chicago V $5.00
Chicago Chicago IX Chicago's Greatest Hits $5.00
Chicago Chicago III $4.00
Chris de Burgh Into The Light $2.00
Chuck Mangione Main Squeeze $3.00
Chuck Mangione Encore - The Chuck Mangione Concerts $2.00
Clannad Magical Ring $3.00
Clannad Crann Ull $4.00
Cleveland Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski Debussy: La Mer (The Sea) $0.50 G/G
Climax Blues Band 1969 / 1972 $6.00
Cooper Brothers Cooper Brothers $3.00
Cream Goodbye $8.00
Cream Goodbye $8.00
Crosby & Nash Graham Nash David Crosby $3.00
Crosby, Stills & Nash Daylight Again $3.00
Crosby, Stills & Nash Crosby, Stills & Nash $4.00
Crosby, Stills & Nash Crosby, Stills & Nash $4.00
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young 4 Way Street $3.00
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young 4 Way Street $3.00
Crusaders Street Life $2.00
Crusaders Southern Comfort $3.00
Dan Fogelberg Captured Angel $2.00
Dan Fogelberg Nether Lands $2.00
Dan Fogelberg Phoenix $2.00
Dan Fogelberg The Innocent Age $2.00
Dan Fogelberg Windows And Walls $2.00
Daniel Adni, Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, Kenneth Alwyn Music From Films For Piano & Orchestra $2.00
Danny Guglielmi Adventure In Sound $15.00
David Crosby If I Could Only Remember My Name $3.00 VG/G
David Merrick And Leland Hayward Gypsy - A Musical Fable $1.00
David Qualey Soliloquy $4.00
David Riordan Medicine Wheel $2.00
David Sanborn A Change Of Heart $2.00
David Shire Baby $2.00
David Soul Playing To An Audience Of One $2.00
David Werner David Werner $3.00
Dexter Wansel What The World Is Coming To $4.00
[SOLD] Diana Ross All The Great Hits $3.00
[SOLD] Diana Ross & The Supremes Sessions Presents Diana Ross & The Supremes $3.00
Dick Hyman And His Orchestra Provocative Piano $3.00
Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau Lieder Von Debussy Und Ravel $2.00
Dire Straits Love Over Gold $7.00
Dixie Dregs What If $2.00
[SOLD] Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt & Emmylou Harris Trio $5.00
Don Burrows Duo $2.00
[SOLD] Donna Summer Live And More $1.50
[SOLD] Donna Summer On The Radio - Greatest Hits Vol. I & II $2.00
Dragon Body And The Beat $4.00
Earl Klugh Dream Come True $1.50
Eddie Kochak Strictly Belly Dancing (Ya Habibi #2) $3.00
Eddie Kochak Strictly Belly Dancing Vol. 3 $3.00
Electric Light Orchestra / Olivia Newton-John Xanadu - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack $4.50
Elias Rahbani Mosaic Of The Orient (Näi, Buzuk & Guitar) $145.00
[SOLD] Ella Fitzgerald Ella In Hollywood $6.00
Elton John Caribou $3.00
Elton John Tumbleweed Connection $3.00 G+/G+
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Emerson, Lake & Palmer $4.00
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Emerson, Lake & Palmer $4.00
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Tarkus $5.00 Emerson, Lake & Palmer Pictures At An Exhibition $5.00
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Trilogy $5.00
Emerson, Lake & Palmer Brain Salad Surgery $5.00
Engelbert Humperdinck Just For You $2.50
Engelbert Humperdinck Just For You $2.50
Enoch Light And His Orchestra Stereo 35/MM $3.00
Eugene Ormandy And The Philadelphia Orchestra Symphony No. 1 In C Minor $1.00
Eugene Ormandy And The Philadelphia Orchestra Christmas $3.00
Evelyn King Music Box $4.00
[SOLD] Everything But The Girl Love Not Money $4.00
[SOLD]Everything But The Girl The Language Of Life $5.00
Faces A Nod Is As Good As A Wink...To A Blind Horse (Includes poster) $18.00 VG/G
Fairground Attraction The First Of A Million Kisses $6.00
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Sonatas For Cello And Piano $2.00
Felix Slatkin Charge ! $4.00
Foghat Foghat $7.00
Foghat Boogie Motel $4.00
[SOLD] Franz Schubert, Amadeus-Quartett Quatuors À Cordes En La Mineur Et En Sol Mineur $1.00
Gary Brooker (No More) Fear Of Flying $3.00
Gene Watson Heartaches, Love & Stuff $2.00
Genesis Genesis $4.00
Genesis A Trick Of The Tail $6.00
Gentle Giant The Power And The Glory $6.00
Gentle Giant Free Hand $15.00
George Abdo And His "Flames Of Araby" Orchestra Belly Dance Music $3.00
George Abdo And His "Flames Of Araby" Orchestra The Art Of Belly Dancing $3.00
George Abdo And His "Flames Of Araby" Orchestra The Joy Of Belly Dancing $3.00
George Abdo And His "Flames Of Araby" Orchestra Belly Dancing With George Abdo $3.00
George Benson Give Me The Night $4.00
[SOLD] George Benson The Other Side Of Abbey Road $9.00
George Carlin FM & AM $5.00
George Gershwin Rhapsody In Blue And Porgy And Bess $1.00
George Harrison George Harrison $7.00
Giacomo Puccini La Bohème $1.00
Gian Carlo Menotti Amahl and the Night Visitors $4.00
Gian Carlo Menotti Amahl And The Night Visitors $4.00
Gilbert & Sullivan The Mikado $3.00
Glenn Frey No Fun Aloud $2.00
Gordon Michaels Stargazer $5.00
Grover Washington, Jr. Paradise $5.00
Grover Washington, Jr. All The King's Horses $6.00
Harry Chapin Dance Band On The Titanic $2.00
Harry Chapin Sequel $2.00
Heart Heart $2.00
Heart Dreamboat Annie $7.00
Herb Alpert Rise / Aranjuez (Mon Amour) $2.00
Herb Alpert Rise $11.00
[SOLD] Herbie Hancock The Best Of Herbie Hancock $6.00
Hilton Kean Jones Hilton Kean Jones' Eastmontage And Performances By Eastman School Of Music Student Ensembles $10.00
Holly Near Imagine My Surprise! $2.00
Holly Near, Arlo Guthrie Harp $1.50
Huey Lewis & The News Sports $2.00
Humble Pie Performance: Rockin' The Fillmore $6.00
Ian Thomas Riders On Dark Horses $4.50
Igor Stravinsky Stravinsky Conducts Histoire Du Soldat Suite: Pulcinella Suite $4.00
[SOLD] Inner Circle Bad Boys (Theme From Cops) $4.00
It's A Beautiful Day It's A Beautiful Day $7.00
Jackie Gleason Jackie Gleason Presents The Torch With The Blue Flame $2.00
Jackson Browne Lawyers In Love $2.00
Jaime Brockett Remember The Wind And The Rain $4.00 VG/VG-
Jake Walton The Gloaming Grey $1.00
James Gang Yer' Album $9.00
James Last Guitar À Gogo $1.00
James Levine Conducts Johannes Brahms, The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Symphony No. 1 $4.00
James Taylor Flag $2.00
James Taylor Dad Loves His Work $2.00
Jane Olivor The Best Side Of Goodbye $2.00
Jean-Pierre Rampal / Claude Bolling Suite For Flute And Jazz Piano $2.00
Jean-Pierre Rampal / Lily Laskine Music For Flute And Harp $2.00
Jeff Beck Wired $6.00
Jeff Beck Wired $3.00
Jeff Lass Conversations With Bill Evans $1.00
Jeff Wayne Jeff Wayne's Musical Version Of The War Of The Worlds $4.00
Jefferson Airplane Early Flight $4.00
Jerome Kern Roberta $1.00
Jesse Colin Young Song For Juli $4.00
Jesse Winchester Jesse Winchester $4.00
Jethro Tull Benefit $3.00
Jethro Tull Living In The Past $4.00
Jethro Tull Living In The Past $4.00
Jethro Tull Thick As A Brick $4.00
Jethro Tull Thick As A Brick $4.00
Jethro Tull The Broadsword And The Beast $6.00 VG+/VG+
Jethro Tull My God! $7.00
Jethro Tull Songs From The Wood $6.00 VG+/VG
Jethro Tull Thick As A Brick $4.00
Jethro Tull Thick As A Brick $4.00
Jim Croce Photographs & Memories (His Greatest Hits) $5.00
Jim Kweskin & The Jug Band Garden Of Joy $6.00
Jim Reeves Gentleman Jim $2.00
Jimi Hendrix Rainbow Bridge / Original Motion Picture Sound Track $4.00 G/G
[SOLD] Jimi Hendrix Band Of Gypsys $20.00
Jimmie Lunceford "Harlem Shout" Vol. 2 (1935-1936) $4.00
Jimmie Spheeris The Dragon Is Dancing $6.00
Joan Armatrading Show Some Emotion $3.00
Joan Baez In Concert $3.00
Joan Baez Farewell, Angelina $3.00
Joe Cocker Mad Dogs & Englishmen $6.00
Joe Walsh The Smoker You Drink, The Player You Get $5.00 VG/VG
Johann Sebastian Bach, Berliner Philharmoniker St. Matthew Passion $4.00
Johannes Brahms Piano Quintet In F Minor, Op.34 $5.00
Johannes Brahms Piano Trio No. 1 In B Major (Op.8) / Piano Trio No.3 In C Minor (OP.101) $10.00
Johannes Brahms, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau Ein Johannes-Brahms-Liederabend $3.00
John Abercrombie, Jan Hammer, Jack DeJohnette Timeless $6.00 VG/VG
John Coltrane The Mastery Of John Coltrane / Vol. III Jupiter Variation $10.00 VG/VG+ plays great
John Cougar Mellencamp American Fool $2.00
John Lennon & The Plastic Ono Band John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band $20.00
John Renbourn The Lady And The Unicorn $6.00
John Renbourn Group The Enchanted Garden $5.00
John Renbourn Group A Maid In Bedlam $5.00
John Robertson And His Multi-Trumpets John Robertson And His Multi-Trumpets $1.00
John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John You're The One That I Want $2.00
Johnny Mathis Merry Christmas $4.00
Johnny Mathis More Johnny's Greatest Hits $2.00
Jon Butcher Axis Jon Butcher Axis $2.00
Joni Mitchell The Hissing Of Summer Lawns $5.00
Joni Mitchell Ladies Of The Canyon $6.00
Joni Mitchell For The Roses $6.00
Joni Mitchell Mingus $6.00
Joni Mitchell Shadows And Light $7.00
Jose Greco And Company Flamenco Fury $1.00
Joseph Haydn Mass In D Minor: Missa In Angustiis (Nelson Mass) $1.00
Josh White Live! $5.00
Judy Garland with Freddy Martin And His Orchestra At The Grove $3.00
[SOLD] Kate Bush The Whole Story $4.00 VG+/VG+
Kevin Johnson Man Of The 20th Century $1.00
King Crimson USA $20.00
King Crimson Starless And Bible Black $22.00
[SOLD] Kitaro My Best $3.00
Klaatu Klaatu $3.00 VG+/VG
Léo Chauliac Et Son Orchestre The Best Of The Beatles $2.00
Larry Carlton Larry Carlton $3.00
Lenny White Big City $6.00
Leon Russell Leon Russell And The Shelter People $8.00
Leon Russell & Marc Benno Asylum Choir II $8.00
Leonid Kogan, Rudolf Barshai Kogan And Barshai Play - Vivaldi Rameau Handoshkin $1.00
Lisa Stansfield Affection $3.00
[SOLD] Little Feat Sailin' Shoes $4.00
Little Feat The Last Record Album $5.00
Loggins And Messina Sittin' In $6.00
Loggins And Messina Loggins And Messina $3.00
Loggins And Messina The Best Of Friends $2.00
London Symphony Orchestra Beyond The Sound Barrier: The Spectacular Sound Of Digital dbx Discs $7.00
[SOLD] Luciano Pavarotti, National Philharmonic Orchestra, Kurt Herbert Adler O Holy Night $1.00
Mark Holden I Wanna Make You My Lady $2.00
Marshall Tucker Band Running Like The Wind $4.00
Mary Martin, Ezio Pinza, Rodgers & Hammerstein South Pacific With Original Broadway Cast $1.00
Maurice Ravel, Jean Martinon, The Chicago Symphony Orchestra Bolero (Great Ravel Showpieces) $1.00
Max Steiner Now, Voyager - The Classic Film Scores Of Max Steiner $2.00
Max Webster Universal Juveniles $5.00
McKendree Spring 3 $3.00
Melanie Candles In The Rain $4.00
Melos Ensemble Of London, Maurice Ravel Introduction And Allegro / Sonata For Flute, Viola And Harp $3.00
Michael Franks The Art Of Tea $4.00
Michael Jackson One Day In Your Life $4.00
Michael Martin Murphey Blue Sky · Night Thunder $3.00
Michael White The X Factor $4.00
Monkees It's Nice To Be With You / D. W. Washburn $3.00
Moon Martin Escape From Domination $3.00
Moravian Festival Chorus And Orchestra Under Thor Martin Johnson The Unknown Century Of American Classical Music (1760-1860) $5.00
Mose Allison Mose Allison Sings $1.00
Mountain Climbing! $14.00
Mrs. Mills I'm Mighty Glad $1.00
Mud Oh Boy $1.00
Music Minus One Oklahoma! $1.00
Nat King Cole Nat King Cole Collection Vol. 3 $2.00
Neil Diamond Headed For The Future $5.00
[SOLD] Neil Young Harvest $6.50
Neil Young & Crazy Horse Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere $14.00
Nektar A Tab In The Ocean $5.00
Nektar Recycled $13.00
New World Theatre Orchestra South Pacific / Oklahoma $1.00
New York Pro Musica, Alfonso X El Sabio Spanish Medieval Music $10.00
No Artist Railroad: Sounds Of A Vanishing Era $3.00
No Artist Environments (New Concepts In Stereo Sound - Disc 1) $3.00
Noël Coward The Noel Coward Album $5.00
Norrie Paramor His Strings And Orchestra In London, In Love $4.00
NSYNC Bye Bye Bye (The Remixes) $3.00
[SOLD] Oingo Boingo Oingo Boingo $10.00 VG/VG
[SOLD] Oingo Boingo Boingo Alive (Celebration Of A Decade 1979-1988) $25.00
[SOLD] Oingo Boingo Dead Man's Party $13.00
Olivia Newton-John Have You Never Been Mellow $3.00
Oregon Winter Light $5.00
Oregon Roots In The Sky $5.00
Ottorino Respighi Ancient Airs & Dances $7.00
Passport Cross-Collateral $3.00
Passport Iguaçu $3.00
Passport Garden Of Eden $3.00
Passport Oceanliner $4.00
Passport Infinity Machine $8.00
[SOLD] Pat Benatar Precious Time $2.00
[SOLD] Pat Benatar Crimes Of Passion $4.00
Paul Anka Anka $4.00
Paul Anka Paul Anka's 21 Golden Hits $1.00
Paul Dukas, Modest Mussorgsky, Maurice Ravel Sorcerer's Apprentice / A Night On Bare Mountain / Rapsodie Espagnole $0.50 G/G
Paul Horn Visions $5.00
Paul Horn Inside $7.00
Paul Kantner / Jefferson Starship Blows Against The Empire $2.00 VG/VG
Paul Kantner / Jefferson Starship Blows Against The Empire $2.00
Pearl Chertok Strings Of Pearl $15.00
Pentangle Open The Door $6.00
Peter, Paul & Mary In The Wind $3.00
Philadelphia Brass Ensemble A Festival Of Carols In Brass $1.00
Philip Rambow Shooting Gallery $5.00
[SOLD] Pink Floyd Wish You Were Here $7.00
Placido Domingo With John Denver Perhaps Love $4.00
Pointer Sisters Break Out $3.00
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky - David Oistrach, Eugene Ormandy, The Philadelphia Orchestra Violin Concerto In D $4.00
Racey Some Girls $2.00
Ray Charles The Fabulous Ray Charles $2.00
[SOLD] Ray Charles The Greatest! $5.00
Ray Charles The Genius Sings The Blues $5.00
Ray Conniff I Will Survive $3.00
Ray Martin The Sound Of Sight $3.00
Ray Noble and his Orchestra Happy Anniversary $1.00
Ray Price And His The Port Jackson Jazz Band Jazz Classics Vol. 1 $2.00
Relativity Relativity $4.00
Richard Pryor That Nigger's Crazy $7.50
Richard Strauss, Antal Dorati, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra Two Tone Poems - Don Juan, Death And Transfiguration $10.00
Richard Wagner Toscanini Conducts Wagner $5.00
Richard Wagner - Eileen Farrell, Boston Symphony Orchestra, Charles Munch Brunnhilde's Immolation / Tristan And Isolde: Prelude And Liebestod $8.00
Robert Casadesus Robert Casadesus Plays Sonatas by Chopin Mozart & Haydn $1.00
Robert Hall Collins, Ruth Barrett Phelps The Sacred Ministry Of Song $1.00
Robert Schumann / Elisabeth Schwarzkopf - Geoffrey Parsons Frauenliebe Und Leben, Op. 42 / Liederkreis, Op. 39 (Eichendorff) $1.00
Robert Shaw, The Robert Shaw Chorale Christmas Hymns And Carols Volume 1 $1.00
Roberta Flack Killing Me Softly $5.00
Rod Stewart Atlantic Crossing $5.00
Rod Stewart Gasoline Alley $8.00
Rod Stewart (If Loving You Is Wrong) I Don't Want To Be Right $1.00
Rodgers & Hammerstein The Sound Of Music (An Original Soundtrack Recording) $1.00 G/G
Roger McGuinn Cardiff Rose $3.00
Roland Kirk Blacknuss $7.00 VG/VG
Roland Kirk Bright Moments $7.00 VG/VG
Rosalie Sorrels Travelin' Lady $6.00
Rossington Collins Band Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere $2.00
Roxy Music Manifesto $5.00
Roxy Music Flesh + Blood $5.00
Rubber Rodeo Scenic Views $3.00
Rush Caress Of Steel $10.00
Ruth Welcome Sentimental Zither $1.00
Sally Ann Howes, Terry Carter And Brock Peters Kwamina (Original Broadway Cast) $1.00
Santana Festivál $6.00
Santana Zebop! $6.00
Sarah Vaughan After Hours With Sarah Vaughan $10.00
Savoy Brown A Step Further $6.00
Savoy Brown Blue Matter $10.00
Savoy Brown Street Corner Talking $10.00
Seals & Crofts Year Of Sunday $2.00
Seals & Crofts Summer Breeze $2.00
Seawind Seawind $3.00
Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff Piano-Concerto No. 2 In C Minor • 6 Preludes $1.00
Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff Piano-Concerto No. 2 In C Minor Op. 18 $1.00
Shadowfax We Used To Laugh • The Firewalker $1.00
Sigmund Romberg The Student Prince $2.00
Sir Thomas Beecham, The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra / Richard Strauss Ein Heldenleben (A Hero's Life) $2.00
Skyline Late To Work $5.00
Soft Machine Seven $8.00
Spandau Ballet Parade $3.00
Spooky Tooth The Mirror $5.00
Stanley Clarke Journey To Love $5.00
Steppenwolf Gold (Their Great Hits) $3.00
Steve Goodman Somebody Else's Troubles $3.00
Steve Khan Arrows $3.00
Steve Winwood Winwood $4.00
Steven Halpern Eastern Peace $4.00
Steven Halpern Natural Light $4.00
Stevie Wonder Fulfillingness' First Finale $7.00
Sting The Dream Of The Blue Turtles $5.00
Stusick Harp And Instrumental Trio The Stusick Sisters With Mrs. Stanley S. Stusick Harp & Instrumental Trio $1.00
Styx Cornerstone $5.00
Supertramp Crisis? What Crisis? $6.00
Supertramp Crime Of The Century $8.00
Susanna Mildonian Recital N° 1 $1.00
Susanna Mildonian Recital N° 2 $1.00
Talking Heads Stop Making Sense $13.00
Tears For Fears Pale Shelter (You Don't Give Me Love) $10.00
Ten Years After Ssssh. $3.00 VG/VG
Ten Years After Ssssh. $3.00
Ten Years After Watt $8.00
The Band Music From Big Pink $7.00 G+/G+
The Cars Shake It Up $6.00
The Cars Candy-O $10.00
The Cars Panorama $4.00
The Doors The Soft Parade $10.00
The Feenjon Group Belly Dancing At The Cafe Feenjon $4.00
The Gardners Folksongs Far & Near $3.00
The Georgia Satellites Georgia Satellites $3.00
The Grass Roots Golden Grass: Their Greatest Hits $3.00
[SOLD] The Grateful Dead American Beauty $6.00 G+/G
The James Last Band Trumpet À Gogo $1.00
The Melachrino Strings More Music For Dining $1.00
The Melachrino Strings Moods In Music: Music For Reading $2.00
The Nice Ars Longa Vita Brevis $4.00
The Osmonds The Proud One $2.00
[SOLD] The Police Zenyatta Mondatta $3.00 VG/VG
[SOLD] The Police Ghost In The Machine $1.00 G/G
The Pretenders Pretenders II $3.00
The Pretenders Pretenders $3.00
The Records The Records $4.00
The Righteous Brothers The Best Of $2.00
The Robert Shaw Chorale A Mighty Fortress $3.00
The Section Fork It Over $4.00
The Seekers Georgy Girl $2.00
The Stephane Caillat Vocal Quartet The Ronsard Circle $1.00
The Stompers One Heart For Sale $4.00
The Weavers The Best Of The Weavers $3.00
[SOLD] The Who Live At Leeds $6.00
The Who Live At Leeds $6.00 (Both have inserts)
The Who Quadrophenia $6.00
Three 6 Mafia Presents Project Pat Chickenhead $3.00
Tim Weisberg The Tip Of The Weisberg $4.00
Todd Rundgren A Wizard, A True Star $7.00
Tommy Bolin Private Eyes $5.00
Tommy Dorsey And His Orchestra This Is Tommy Dorsey $2.00
Tommy Dorsey And His Orchestra, Frank Sinatra I'll See You In My Dreams $2.00
Traffic Best Of Traffic $7.00
Triumvirat Spartacus $2.00
UK Danger Money $5.00
Unknown Artist Flick Themes '72 $1.50
Unknown Artist Sound Effects Volume 1 $3.00
Unknown Artist The Art Of Belly Dancing Vol. II $6.00
Uriah Heep Demons And Wizards $6.00
Usher U Remind Me $2.00
Van Morrison Tupelo Honey $4.50 G+/G+
Various This Is The Era Of Memorable Song Hits: The Decade Of The 30s $1.00
Various Windham Hill Records Sampler '81 $1.00
Various Windham Hill Records Sampler '81 $1.00
Various Windham Hill Records Sampler '82 $1.00
Various Windham Hill Records Sampler '82 $1.00
Various An Evening With Windham Hill Live $1.00
Various Your Hit Parade - 1951 $1.00
Various Hello Dolly! (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack Album) $2.00
Various The Best Disco Album In The World $2.00
Various Favorite Themes From Masterpiece Theatre $2.00
Various Something Festive $3.00
Various Propaganda $3.00
Various Pippin $4.00
Various Admiral Stereophonic Demonstration Record $5.00
Various Woodstock Two $9.00
Various Woodstock - Music From The Original Soundtrack And More $10.00
Various A Collector's Sondheim $8.00
Various Music For The Jet Set $1.00
Various Russian Folk Dances of the Moiseyev Dance Company $1.00
Various Philharmonic Family Library Of Great Music Album 1 $1.00
Various Nashville's Greatest Instrumentalists Volume II $1.00
Various Saturday Night Fever (The Original Movie Sound Track) $3.00
Vladimir Horowitz Sonata In B-Flat Minor (Piano Music Of Chopin And Liszt) $1.00
Weather Report Mysterious Traveller $5.00
Weather Report Tale Spinnin' $5.00
Weather Report Mr. Gone $5.00
Weather Report Mr. Gone $5.00
Weather Report Night Passage $5.00
Weather Report Black Market $15.00
[SOLD] Whitney Houston Whitney Houston $3.00
Willie Nelson & Family Honeysuckle Rose (Music From The Original Soundtrack) $10.00
Wings London Town $7.00
Wishbone Ash Pilgrimage $15.00
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart The Two Flute Concertos For Flute & Orchestra $1.00
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Clarinet Concerto, K. 622 / Clarinet Quintet, K. 581 $1.00
[SOLD] Woody Guthrie Woody Guthrie $6.00
submitted by jamesmurray34 to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

casino livestock market report video

Listed below is the current market report at Cattlemen’s. The market quotes the steers and heifers sorted by weight. Listed below that you will see the l ive cattle prices for weigh cows and bulls, bred cows and cow/calf pairs. On the bottom, Landon compares the overall market to the previous week. Casino : Detailed saleyard report - cattle; Back to Prices & Markets. Search Statistics Database. Subscribe to MLA Market Information Market reports delivered directly to your inbox as soon as ... We are currently experiencing technical issues with downloading National Livestock Reporting Service (NLRS) market reports and apologise for the ... CHICAGO, Nov. 18, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- According to the new market research report "Precision Livestock Farming Market with COVID-19 Impact Analysis by System Type, Application (Milk Harvesting ... CASINO LIVESTOCK SALE REPORT FRIDAY 31st JANUARY 2020 . Number. Ave Cents per Kg. Average Kg. Average Price. Top Cents per Kg. Top Price. Bullocks. Bulls. 2. 2500.00. 2500.00. Cows & Calves. 31. ... Casino Market Report 8th April 2020.pdf: 455.3KB Casino Market Report 15 April 2020.pdf: 463.1KB Casino Market Report 22nd April 2020: Click Here To View The Sale Market Report. Day 2 - European Breeds Sale – Thursday 26 th March 2020. Click Here To View The Sale Market Report Day 3 - Bos Indicus Breeds Sale – Friday 27 th March 2020. Click Here To View The Sale Market Report Casino Breeder & Store Cattle Sale. Casino Saleyards. Friday, 28th February 2020 Casino Coonamble Ctlx Dubbo Finley Forbes Goulburn Greatsouthern Gunnedah Inverell Scone Singleton Tamworth Wagga: Dalby Longreach Mareeba Moreton Murgon Roma Prime Roma Store Romaprime Silverdale Toowoomba Elders Toowoomba Landmark Warwick: Millicent Mount Gambier Naracoorte SA Livestock Exchange: Killafaddy: Great Southern Saleyard Great ... FEBRUARY 2021. NRLX – Regular Prime Sale Cattle Wednesday, 3 February 2021; JANuARY 2021. NRLX – Regular Prime Sale Cattle Wednesday, 27 January 2021 Nonghyup Eumseong Livestock Market is the nation's largest facility capable of slaughtering 2,000 cows and pigs a day. In particular, beef accounts for 17% of the nationwide distribution. The auction house was closed for one day and slaughter was temporarily suspended as a confirmed case occurred in a large facility where many people gathered from all over the country. Casino Cattle Reports PDF Report Market reports delivered directly to your inbox as soon as they are released.

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